My Strongest Soft Skill

Soft skills are personal skills that are interpersonal and non-specialized. They are skills that don't require machines or better still, skills we learn from when we are born and execute them with no stress. I have a few numbers of soft skills but my strongest is Problem-solving skills. It seems as if my head is wired with cables that dissect problems and provide thousand solutions to how the problem can be solved. People around me seem to have noticed this area of my strength and often seek solutions to a problem from me. This skill is inherent, I can't remember learning them but it had been my savior in days when I felt all hope was lost.

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I have executed this skill on several occasions. These are from my high school days down to this current time. I have also been able to manage fewer resources based on critical calculation for a number of weeks. I always believe there's a way out of any problem if only you can sit and think deeply. Every problem has a space that allows for a solution and all one needs to do is do a rough sketch of it and the solution would sneak out. It might sound strange except if problem -solving is part of your soft skills.

This skill is accompanied with "critical thinking" as a soft skill of its own. You can only solve problems through critical thinking. Where critical thinking is lacking, it would be difficult to solve critical problems.

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