Saeb Erekat: Death of Palestinian Goebbels

Rumors of Saeb Erekat's death are no longer greatly exaggerated. He's finally shuffled off this mortal coil, but not before his final act of defiance: taking Israeli medical care, despite a lifetime of telling the world how bad, evil, and downright apartheidy we are.

His medical care would have come at Israeli taxpayers expense; I demand it be paid out of the PA's "pay-to-slay' coffers, which Erekat himself so vehemently supported.

Unlike Erekat, I can't lie; I won't be losing any sleep over his death. He was an unrepentant propagandist and terror-supporter who helped spread lies and hate against the Jewish state.

Unfortunately, there are many fawning over him, including Israeli media outlets like Ha'aretz and Times of Israel - the latter have even hidden my comments from the site after I called them out on it.

Meanwhile just watch as palestinian media and the Israel-hating crowd blame us for murdering Erekat. And if he could, he'd join the chorus.

Posted from Israellycool with SteemPress :

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