Lebanese Woman Living in UAE to Israelis: "Looking Forward to Seeing You Here"

This next message was posted on Reddit by a Lebanese woman living in the United Arab Emirates.

Long story short, my mother and father came to the UAE 36 years ago after your noisy neighbors hezbolla held my father at gunpoint claiming he was an Israeli spy. Since then he came to the UAE along with my mother and started a life here. We have watched this country grow from a steaming hot desert with nothing but a few buildings around to the spectacular country it is today (Still steaming hot though!).

I was born here, and my family have been here the entire time. Reason being is that it is incredibly safe, very open-minded and you will love the hospitality of the people. The Emirates is really a wonderful place, one I would highly recommend you visit now that you are soon able to. You will find countless nationalities and surely have amazing experiences, no one who comes here would say they didn't enjoy their time!

The UAE has a strict stance towards racism and are very tolerant to people’s beliefs. Majority of my friends are Muslims, growing up as a Christian here we did not face any discrimination, not once. You will truly feel safe when you are here, the authorities are on top of everything it's amazing. (I was driving on the highway once, someone hit my car late at night and sped off, I contacted the police and they saw it on the highway cameras before I even called and already dispatched a patrol car to bring him in).

The government constantly pushes itself towards not only its own people but the expats living here too, and tourism is a booming market so there'll be lots for you to do. From thrilling tours, water parks, historical sights, nightlife, and so much more! If any of you have any questions about what you can do feel free to ask or dm me, even if you have general questions.

As well, I do hope I get to visit Israel too. I have been wanting to visit ever since I was 16 years old (31 now), I genuinely wish that holding a Lebanese passport would not prevent that. Coincidentally 2-3 weeks ago my fiance and I were talking about how great it would be to visit Israel, we have heard great things about your country and if we can't visit now then surely in the near future. It was extremely generous of Israel to open up hospitals and offer aid during the Beirut explosion recently, a little unfortunate the Lebanese government still live in the stoneage and refused to even respond, so thank you for that.

Looking forward to seeing you here! This news truly brought me joy. Hopefully this step taken by Israel & the UAE will be followed by the rest of your neighbors. This sickening hatred and constant hunger for war and killing needs to come to an end.

I am really enjoying this. Israel-haters I am sure are hating this.

Posted from Israellycool with SteemPress : https://www.israellycool.com/2020/08/16/lebanese-woman-living-in-uae-to-israelis-looking-forward-to-seeing-you-here/
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