A Response to Noura Erekat's Allegations Following Killing of Her Cousin

Yesterday, I posted about how Saeb Erekat and others had disseminated the libel that we murdered his cousin in cold blood. I knew it was a libel even before footage of the incident in question was released, based on Erekat's own words, which seemed to admit to the IDF's version of events insofar as the cousin was speeding in to the checkpoint and veered towards a soldier, instead of stopping. Not to mention the fact he was not actually there.

The footage was subsequently released, corroborating what the IDF had been saying.

As I mentioned in updates to my post, Saeb's initial response was to claim the car was going really slowly, completely contradicting his own previous statement about the cousin rushing through the checkpoint, as well as the terrorist's mother who admitted he may have been going fast.

Up to speed? Good.

Since then, Saeb has made a new claim: we doctored the footage.

It is a shame he did not coordinate better with his niece, palestinian Arab activist and attorney Noura. She posted the footage, and makes no such claim. Instead, she justifies what we see in it.

Addressing the claims:

"Palestinians are so securitized as a threat that we can't make human mistakes, like lose momentary control of our car, press the accelerator in a moment of haste, get in a car accident."

Yes, palestinians rushing towards checkpoints are seen as threats. With good reason.

There have been over 30 palestinian car ramming attacks since they began about 6 years ago. And these attacks have been encouraged and glorified by the palestinians (including Fatah, the party to which Saeb Erekat belongs)

"the obvious question of journos should be why is there a checkpoint bw 2 #Palestinian cities?"

The obvious answer is to prevent terror attacks and save lives.

Why would he do this on his sister's wedding day?

It is a bit hard to ask him that now, but terrorists aren't exactly rational actors. What we do know is he made a video defending himself from accusations "betrayed the nation,” probably because he was suspected of cooperating with Israel.

Note the blue shirt he is wearing. He was wearing a blue shirt the day of the attack, which might indicate the video was taken not long before it (his family claim it was taken months ago).

In other words, it seems he may have been trying to redeem his honor and go out in a blaze of glory in order to prove he was "loyal to the cause." So why try to ascribe any rational thinking to him?

Why did the soldiers shoot him lethally?

Here is what the injured IDF soldier had to say:

“I signaled to him to halt, the car started to slow down, and I moved in his direction,” Kadosh told Channel 13 news. “He saw that I took a step, he looked me in the eye, turned the steering wheel and rammed into me, and I flew to the other side” of the median.

“The soldiers understood what happened, heard me yell, turned straight in his direction, saw him getting out in their direction, cocked their weapons, and fired in his direction,” Kadosh said.

“I didn’t understand at first when he looked at me, and only when I went flying, I understood that this was an attack,” she said.

You have a terrorist who just tried to murder someone, get out of his car and move towards the other soldiers. Things are happening quickly. Their shooting him lethally is totally understandable.

And this still applies even if we disregard her testimony and assume this was some really unfortunate accident, given the context of car ramming attacks and what we see in the footage here.

Why did they deny access to paramedics?

There is no proof this occurred. A Border Police spokesman stated that forces provided medical attention to the assailant within minutes.

Posted from Israellycool with SteemPress : https://www.israellycool.com/2020/06/25/a-response-to-noura-erekats-allegations-following-killing-of-her-cousin/

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