Unlocking Success || My Splinterlands Pro Tips for Beginners and How I Turned Splinterlands into a profitable Passive Income Plot



Assalam-o-Alaikum !السلام عليكم

Today I will give some Basic tips to new Splinterlands players that I think every Splinterlands player should understand. Because when I first started the splinterlands game, it took time for me to understand the points and I stopped playing the game after one month at the beginning because I thought that I could not learn the splinterlands game, but then after three months Then I started playing again and till now I am playing with love and interest because now I understand that splinterlands game is very easy game and if we understand the basics of this game then we don't have any difficulty in playing this game.


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First of all, if you want to earn passively from Splinterlands game, then you have to invest ten dollars. You have to buy spell book for ten dollars and in this spell book you will get some summoner and monsters and you will participate in battle with these summoner and monsters and you will get reward for every victory.

If you play for free, you won't get any reward for winnings and you won't be able to enjoy all the features of splinterlands. After buying the spell book you can passively earn from your victories by participating in the battle. Two elements are very important in Splinterlands game. One is called summoner and the other is called monsters or cards. Every time splinterlands players participate in the battle, they have to choose the summoner first and then choose their lineup according to the monsters summoner.

In splinterlands game there are total six types of splinter elements which are fire, water, life, natural, earth and dragon and if you choose water summoner then you have to choose common and water monsters. A captain or a leader will be likened to a commando and the monsters will be under the control of this captain and thus the battle lineup is formed against the opponent. I had a hard time understanding summoner and monsters at first.


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After understanding the role of monster and summoner, it is very important during the battle lineup that how much Mana the battle consists of and what are its rulesets. Because many new users do not know what Mana is, assume that if the battle If the mana is 24, then we have to choose a summoner first, on which the mana cost will come. Suppose we chose a summoner whose mana cost was 6, then now we have 18 Mana left for which we will bring monsters to the battlefield. Summoner can select a total of six monsters in the lineup, then we will select the rest of the monsters according to the mana, so the summoners and monsters are selected in the lineup according to the mana.


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When you enter the battle, it has a ruleset and the ruleset informs the players what kind of lineup you should choose in this battle or which monsters you can or cannot choose in the lineup or monsters melee or range attacker or How magical attacking monsters will work or not and how or to what extent the summoner will benefit his friendly monsters or the summoner will not be able to benefit, all these basic information are in the ruleset of battle and I request all splinterlands new users.


Before selecting the lineup, you must carefully look at the ruleset of battle and select the summoner and monsters in the lineup accordingly. summoner, monsters, mana and ruleset are the basic tips that new splinterlands players should understand at the beginning. Along with this, the characteristics of summoner and monsters should also be understood.

Monsters are the element that fight in battle and command the summoner monsters. Monsters are some that are melee attackers and some have magic, fire, ranged attack abilities, some element fights in first position and some fight best in third and fourth positions. Some elements attack the opponent's frontline and some attack the last and middle lineup, so it is very important to understand all these characteristics because new splinterlands players do not pay attention to these points when choosing the lineup in battle.


new player think that splinterlands is a difficult game, but they don't understand the basics. I didn't know all these points in the early days of splinterlands which made me quit playing the game after three months in frustration, but after focusing on these basics, I now have a 70% victory score.


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Another very important thing I would say to many new splinterlands users is that once you buy the spell book, then play splinterlands in your free time to learn and point out your mistakes. Look at your opponent's lineup to see which summoner he has selected along with which monsters and the order in which these monsters are lined up in the lineup. In this way, you will become a better splinterlands player and many new users think that they have very low level cards, so I will tell them that they can increase their investment in splinterlands game with only ten dollars.

If you participate in various challenges of splinterlands and write the best splinterlands content on your hive blog, splinterlands gives you a reward vote through curation and you can buy powerful summoner and other splinterlands assets with this reward. Little by little we have gone a long way.


Now let me tell you that I bought a plot two years ago for ten dollars, then I bought a plot and my production has started from this plot, and in this way you all new splinterlands player can see how my plot is giving production. I share with you the production details of this plot.







At present I have a common plot and type natural. I bought this plot for ten dollars and now the price of common plot is between forty and fifty dollars and the total cost to get production from it is around one hundred and fifty. In short, if any New Splinterlands player invests two hundred dollars and buys a plot, he can make the best passive earning from it.

I am currently harvesting about 1500 grains and I intend to collect grains like this for a year and then sell it after a year and reinvest in splinterlands. I hope you will like my tutorial. I have shared with you all the basics guideline that I encountered in the beginning and I request all new splinterlands users to learn by playing the game daily. And ask experiences from other splinterlands community. I think that the most important resource is the weekly challenge of splinterlands, participate in them and read the posts of other splinterlands players and follow their guidelines, thus you will one day stand in the ranks of the best splinterlands players. Thank you all. Thanks. I got all the image from splinterlands game website.



I'm Yousaf ,my profession is teaching, writing, i love food, travelling,photography and splinterlands gaming, and sportstalks and 3speak very much. i am using hive since 2017.

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