Battle Mage Secret - Super Sneak Animation on the battlefield - Be prepaid Splinters

Amazing day for you splinters of the Night or the Dawn.

How was your conquest during the past two weeks?

I am convainced that you have read about the amazing opportunites coming with the rebellion packs.
The adventure has just begun on the vast land of Pretoria. The waiting period won't last forever.

It is interesting to share this weekly battle mage secret with the entire community of gamer on Hive.

My team in this edition represent Hazem91 selection on the board. I am sure you are ready for the description of the game.

Battle Ruleset:

Players are now fixed on the selection process of cards.

Unprotected: Monsters do not have any armor and do not get armor from Abilities or Summoner Buffs.

Super Sneak: All Melee attack Monsters have the Sneak ability

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Unprotected cards on the battlefield opened the doors for multiple attacks from all categories of warriors.
Melee warriors made their appearance on the board.

Winner Team

Torrent FiendSpirit Hoarder
Angelic Mandarin
Igor DarkspearCoeurl Lurker

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Team Surviving the heat


KELYA FRENDULDiemonsharkRiver Hellondale
Coastal Sentry
Torrent FiendHardy Stonefish
Chaos Agent

Coeurl was amazing in this selection where melee warriors did a perfect offensive team action.
Congratulation on the collective effort.

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Battle Plan

In this battle one trick is to take control of the direction of all opponent's strikes. The target was my tanker Lurker. It was a great idea to put all damage on position. It gives time to rest of my team to perform terrible attacks on the opponent positions.


What happens in the arena?

Taunt ability puts an order to the attacks of all the melee from the opposite line. It was not easy to survive the continuous series of kicks that Lurker had to contain as long as possible.
The outcome was rewarding to the team of Lurker. The adversary set of cards created many challenges though.

Recording of the battle is here

Contest entry point to all

Enjoy the battle

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