Today I received a Gargoya Lion card as a reward for completing the daily quest (2022.05.14)

Today I spent approximately 20 minutes to complete a Fire quest, and I received this card.

This is currently literally a one cent ($0.01 USD) card.


Which is still better than the usual alchemy and legendary potions.

But still not good enough to keep me as a Splinterlands player in long term. My time is worth much more than one cent $0.01 USD. And probably many players are agree with this statement about their own time too.

Seriously. Ask yourself. Is your 20 minutes time worth only $0.01 USD? I do not think so. Probably you neither.

I rather play enjoyable free-to-play games, and post about them in the Hive Gaming community than continue playing Splinterlands. Nowadays the rewards for playing Splinterlands are basically a 99% alhemy and legendary potion charges, and 1% nearly worthless cards. It is not even worth it to sell these cards. Better to give them away.

The game does not give anything useful since the previous few seasons. The most common reward cards a few times in a month will not encourage no one to buy stronger cards. Just saying. And the most common reward cards will not help to climb up the leagues either. And even if people buy stronger cards, and climb into a higher league, they still need to have a huge luck to receive a reward card. Especially a good and useful reward card.


By the way, today I fell from the Bronze I League to the Bronze II League. I will try to climb back up, and finish the current season in the Bronze I League. The current season ends in approximately two days, so I still have some time.


I played 116 battles in this season so far, and I won 61 battles, so my win current rate in this season is 52.58%. My current rank is 182 617, so I am in the top 200 000 players. I was around the top 100 000 a few days ago. My huge disappointment in this game is obviously visible.

No real player encouragement.

I am nearly done with this game actually. I am thinking about stopping playing. I will not sell my Splinterlands cards in the near future, because they are helpful in the SPS airdrop. Today we are on the 291st day of the SPS airdrop, and the SPS airdrop lasts for 365 days.


After the SPS airdrop, I either sell my Splinterlands cards, and I will put the received money into properly rewarding things, for example in Hive Dollars (HBD) savings, or I will lease out the part of my Splinterlands card collection. But the selling, and putting the money in Hive Dollars (HBD) savings is probably a better option.

Back to playing. I finish this season. Soon we will see the season end rewards. If they will be shit, then I will stop playing, because it is not worth it anymore. There are properly rewarding projects out there.

Nowadays Splinterlands is doing literally everything to discourage you from playing the game. I like encouraging and properly rewarding projects.

I play Splinterlands since 2018.12.30, but if the game does not value my time, then soon I will stop playing the game, similarly to many people, who stopped playing Splinterlands in the recent past.

The game itself is too challenging, compared to what it gives. It just takes too much time and too much struggle for mostly worthless, useless rewards.

But good luck and have fun.

Have a nice day and have a nice weekend.
All the best. Greetings and much love from Hungary.

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