Splinterlands season end rewards in the Bronze I League (2022.05.16)


Out of nine reward chests, I received three reward cards, which is good, compared to the previous few seasons, but the bullshit (the alchemy and the legendary potion charges) is still in the chests. Of course the changes in the reward system are not arrived yet, so technically (theoretically) nothing is changed. Maybe except my luck, which looks like became better. 🙂


There is one funny thing. Calling a card Rare, when it has 317 847 cards in circulation. How is that rare? Or how rare is that?😂

I am not complaining this time. While this card is currently not particularly valuable (in terms of money), it is useful in battles. At least I find it useful. With the scavenger ability, the Venari Seedsmith can build his health over time in the battles, because he gains 1 max health each time any monster dies. I already had three from this card, and now I have four of this card.

The other two cards (Pelacor Deceiver and Pelacor Mercenary) are amongst the most common cards (at least nowadays), so they do not need any introduction.

I received 45 credits (24+5+16). I currently have 776 credits. I could buy a low value card (45 credits is $0.045 USD, because 1000 credits is $1 USD), but I keep increasing my Credits collection. So credits are also useful in long term. Credits can help you to progress (to build your Splinterlands card collection).

What about your season end rewards? Have you also received something useful (in-game) and/or valuable (in terms of money)?

Good luck and have fun.

Have a nice day. All the best. Greetings and much love from Hungary.

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