A level 3 gold foil Vampire Bat (Common Earth card) giveaway (2022.12.29)

My last Splinterlands card giveaway in 2022.

This is a common Earth card with currently 21 316 cards in circulation. So you need an Earth summoner to use this card in battles. Its estimated value is currently $0.11 USD. It has 125 Collection Power (CP).

This card has the Flying ability, which means that it has an increased chance of evading Melee or Ranged attacks from Monsters, who do not have the Flying ability.

To participate in this giveaway, just write a comment.

I will use the Hive random comment picker to pick the winner (bots will be excluded).

I will announce the winner of this giveaway after the payout of this post.

If this post will earn anything, then I will use a part of the earnings to buy another card to give it away, and I transfer the most of the earnings to Hive Dollar (HBD) savings.

Thank you for participating in this giveaway, and thank you for the support/help too. Good luck and have fun.

Happy New Year.

Have a nice day. All the best. Greetings and much love from Hungary.

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