Fire Magicians: This time our magic fire composition was good


Hello crazy players who have fun playing and don't look for a minimum wage in the game

I'm here with another attempt to get out of the vicious cycle of renting meta standard cards that even becomes boring this repetition, this week was so predictable that opponents with some cards at the maximum level allowed in Gold III league and I eliminating them all with my simple water composition, it was so predictable that sometimes I would change the tank to one without Void to give the emotion of knowing if I would win or lose even though it didn't change a thing.

Continuing with trying to get a magical "playable" deck for the fire element, if you couldn't see the previous thread about it go to But what is this? MAGIC full time in fire splinter? it seems to me that this time I have made better progress since in the other one maybe I was wrong to try to add any monster with magic damage with no chance of survival.

Elemental Phoenix - Caladuum - Djinn Inferni - Magi Sphinx - Dwarven Wizard

Starting with the choice of the legendary Caladuum and Elemental Phoenix which I chose for the survival of both in some situations that make him a target that will receive continuous attacks, then Caladuum with his shield and a high amount of health of start with its Void ability makes it perfect to be our front line or a second tank, not to mention the 3 magic attack points it contains, already our damage dealer Elemental Phoenix although it doesn't have armor to be defending from large amounts of melee or ranged attack it comes from a high speed in conjunction with its Flying ability in addition to its 2 attack points, another point I understood I did wrong with the first composition was the fact of not using the Yodin Zaku that we would render the skill Blast, for those who follow some battles against water and earth magic decks know that when this rule is in play, the magic team is almost certain to win by a simple reason: magic attack doesn't stop at armor, and with this blast you just hit any monster that is involved in the middle of your team, and this is the way to your victory.
As the rest of the team tried to have more than 1 magic damage, we don't have bonuses for magicians among fire summoners, so it was necessary for this objective to be complete, for that I rented the Djinn Inferni monsters as it is mandatory to eliminate monsters above 10 mana, practically many legendaries and powerful cards, so this will be the highest damage dealer for this type, followed by Magi Sphinx and Dwarven Wizard, but why the monster? It's simple remember what I said about causing damage among the opposing team and spreading it among the others? This monster here is capable of that, although it rarely goes beyond the 2nd round because of its low health, it manages to play this role well.


In this test the other player must have looked at my recent battles and tried to use the Grum Flameblade with its Void Armor skill making it suitable to withstand some magic attacks, but Djinn managed to attack in the right time after destroying Grum's armor , which dealt him a lot of damage and my team was able to finish him off before he got "big" which wouldn't be cool.

Then it was simply the enemy to line up and receive mass destruction, maybe we finally achieved what we wanted, but to draw one more conclusion let's go to the next battle.


Here I was worried about two monsters: Oaken Behemoth and Sporcerer, this first one is one of the best second tanks that you can have in your composition since in addition to being able to attack from the second position, it benefits from the ability Void Armor he has two types of attacks being melee and magic making him a great damage dealer, I couldn't leave my team completely magical since that would be signing my defeat, I counted on the help of Tusk the Wide which is a great tank for its high amount of health and also with the Void ability, in addition to Lava Launcher and Molten which are marksmen that are able to do well in the front line if needed with its own skill, the rest were the 3 magicians already mentioned before.

Again the Djinn being the hero of the country eliminating the tank Grund that was doing a lot of damage to my tank, I think his worst mistake was using a monster with the ability Taunt in the back row, which let me eliminate his support which could perhaps be to his advantage.

gif source: Tenor

Looks like I finally got what I tried with this crazy new lineup, although I still think it's possible to improve somewhere, I'll finish some more daily focus with this composition and check the results.

Now talking about the part that we will feel in our pocket (yes, the expenses), adding everything up are exact:

Monster/SummonerPrice in DEC
Elemental Phoenix7.499
Yodin Zaku40.000
Djinn Inferni0.693
Dwarven Wizard2.600
Magi Sphinx1.062

Total in DEC: 61.147 day
Total in Dollar: $0.037



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