Will the no-$DEC policy for lower tiers be enough to fight Splinterlands bots?

Hello HODLers and Summoners,

Playing a little bit of Splinterlands, I was suprised to not get any DEC rewards after winning some battles.


So I went to the Discord and found in the announcement section something about not giving rewards to lower tier. So I jumped in to read it and here are some quotes:

Despite the recent changes made to the daily quest rewards in Bronze league, we are still seeing huge numbers of new accounts being made by a small number of people with the intention of farming rewards.

In this case, within the next few days we will be removing DEC rewards from ranked battles for players in Bronze III and Novice league

Splinterlands Updates - October, 2021, this is their last post where you can learn about these updates.


Beware, Novice and Bronze III do not get DEC

The main update for players is that you will NOT get any DEC before battling in Bronze II.

As you can see in the image below. To be Bronze II and start earning DEC while playing your daily battles you need 1K power collection.


This is quite a large number of cards if you just started playing @Splinterlands.

Using my current collection and its market price as a proxy, I calculated that you would need c.$60-70 worth of cards in order to have 1K Power. This is not the end of the world when comparing to other P2E games such as Axie Infinity. So I guess this is a good trade-off.

As I have kept a minimum number of cards on hand and rent most of my collection, I guess I should be careful in case they start upping this minimum to 5k, 10k, etc... Let's see what the November update will bring.


Will it be enough?

Also I will be curious to hear your thoughts on this update aimed at farmers but also hurting emerging countries players. An additional question is how many of the 500k Splinterlands accounts were actually bots used by these f*****g farmers?

Everyday, I play Splinterlands and it reminds me that I missed out so much $$$$ selling most of my collection months to soon... At least now I am HODLing and doing my daily quests.

Another big news this month was the SPS/BNB Cake Farm Boost + New Syrup Pool ! Which is great for liquidity, Splinterlands and DeFi users.

That is all, keep playing and earning these DEC, SPS... :D


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