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[ES/EN] Weekly Challenge FERAL SPIRIT

Hola comunidad de splinterlands les comparto mi desafió semanal espero les guste ya que me esforcé un poco mas

Hello splinterlands community I share my weekly challenge I hope you like it since I tried a little more

La estrategia que implemente es que resista la carta de provocar lo mas que pueda ya que en la batalla todos tienen oportunista lo que funciono perfectamente por que de no haberla colocado no hubiera ganado, la próxima me gustaría colocar una carta con silencio para disminuir el daño mágico del enemigo.
La carta FERAL SPIRIT es una carta muy buena incluso en nivel 1 ya que posee una gran velocidad y esquive lo que significa poder atacar primero en batallas con poco mana.

The strategy that I implement is that I resist the provoke card as much as possible since in the battle everyone has an opportunist, which worked perfectly because if I had not placed it I would not have won, next time I would like to place a card with silence to reduce the damage magic of the enemy.
The FERAL SPIRIT card is a very good card even at level 1 as it has great speed and dodge which means you can attack first in low mana battles.

Por suerte me salio mi misión diaria de vida para hacer el post y completarla al mismo tiempo

Luckily I got my daily life mission to make the post and complete it at the same time

Todos los monstruos tienen habilidad oportunista

All monsters have opportunistic ability


Una carta recomendable usar en batallas de mana alto, aunque tan bien usarla con una buena estrategia ya que sus habilidades no te garantizan la victoria, use este invocador para hacer resistir el tanque con provocación ya que la partida todos las cartas tienen oportunista y si lo derrotaban muy rápido antes de acabar unos cuantos monstruos enemigos podía perder la batalla.

A recommended card to use in high mana battles, although it is very good to use it with a good strategy since its abilities do not guarantee victory, use this summoner to make the tank resist with provocation since the game all the cards have opportunist and if it If they defeated very quickly before finishing a few enemy monsters, they could lose the battle.


Amo las cartas con provocar ya que protegen tus cartas mas débiles y puedes trancar al enemigo curando esta lo mas que puedas mientras que tus cartas acaban con la del enemigo, no solo lo coloque para eso sino tan bien para revivirlo con el invocador por que si destruyen una de tus cartas que no quieras revivir entonces desperdiciaras esa habilidad

I love cards with taunt as they protect your weakest cards and you can lock the enemy by healing it as much as you can while your cards kill the enemy, not only do I place it for that but also to revive it with the summoner because yes destroy one of your cards that you don't want to revive then you will waste that ability


Esta carta siempre la coloco si queda espacio y mas si puede atacar desde cualquier posición como esta batalla y su habilidad de reducir el ataque de melé del enemigo, aun que como posee 2 puntos de armadura tan bien podía usar la habilidad del invocador de reparar para que resista un poco mas si el tanque caía

I always place this card if there is space left and even more so if it can attack from any position like this battle and its ability to reduce the enemy's melee attack, even though as it has 2 points of armor it could just as well use the summoner's repair ability to to resist a little more if the tank fell


Una de mis cartas favoritas no solo por su habilidad sino tan bien por sus estadísticas como la velocidad, precisión y esquive, aunque no posee mucho ataque, es perfecta para las demás cartas de melé, pero en el caso de esta batalla el enemigo tan bien coloco un desintegrator pero esta carta ayudo a mantener sus ataques originales si no la batalla habría durado un poco mas

One of my favorite cards not only for its ability but also for its statistics such as speed, accuracy and dodge, although it does not have much attack, it is perfect for the other melee cards, but in the case of this battle the enemy so well I set up a blaster but this card helped keep his original attacks otherwise the battle would have lasted a bit longer.


Otra carta que coloco siempre que puedo ya que con su habilidad de aumentar la vida en 1 todas mis cartas merece la pena llevarla y tan bien por su 2 puntos de daño mágico, esta carta me ayudo mucho en esta batalla y mas con el feral spirit ya que sus puntos de vida son bajos y de no haberla colocado me lo destruirían

Another card that I place whenever I can since with its ability to increase life by 1 all my cards it is worth carrying and so well for its 2 points of magic damage, this card helped me a lot in this battle and more with the feral spirit since its life points are low and if I had not placed it they would destroy it


Esta carta la coloco siempre para hacer resistir el tanque combinada con otra carta con la habilidad reparar en este caso el invocador, y tan bien por que tiene 1 de daño a distancia por que la mayoría de cura tanques no atacan en niveles bajos, una carta muy buena espero poder subirla de nivel hasta que tenga 2 puntos de daño

I always place this card to make the tank resist combined with another card with the ability to repair in this case the summoner, and so well because it has 1 damage from a distance because most heal tanks do not attack at low levels, a card very good I hope I can level it up until it has 2 damage points


Y de ultima posicion esta carta, ya que posee gran velocidad para esquivar ataque de cartas que tengan la habilidad escabullirse, aun que en la batalla esta carta la hirieron gracias a djinn renova se salvo y la habilidad del invocador de curar a una carta de la segunda fila

And last position this card, since it has great speed to dodge attacks from cards that have the ability to sneak, even though in battle this card was injured thanks to djinn renews it was saved and the ability of the summoner to heal a card from the second row


Al comienzo de la batalla pensé que perdería ya que el enemigo coloco muchas cartas de magia y yo no coloque ninguna carta de silencio o con la habilidad vació

At the beginning of the battle I thought that I would lose since the enemy placed many magic cards and I did not place any cards with silence or with the empty ability.

En la segunda ronda mi tanque sigue en pie, ya que pensé que lo acabarían rápido pero resistio muy bien aun que el del enemigo tan bien

In the second round my tank is still standing, since I thought that they would finish it quickly but it resisted very well even that the enemy's so well

En la ronda 3 ya he acabado con su primer tanque y otra carta mas débil y mi tanque seguia en pie gracias al revivir del invocador

In round 3 I have already finished with his first tank and another weaker card and my tank was still standing thanks to the summoner's revive

En ronda 4 acabe con su cura tanque gracias a la habilidad oportunista

In round 4 I finished with his tank heal thanks to the opportunistic ability

En ronda 5 ya acabe con su desintegrator que era la carta que mas me perjudico y ya la partida estaba decidida aunque la batalla duro 2 rondas mas ya no podía ganarme

In round 5 I already finished with his disintegrator, which was the card that harmed me the most and the game was already decided, although the battle lasted 2 more rounds, I could no longer win

