Social Media Challenge: Splinterlands Weekly (Oct 28 - Nov 03) + Brawl Report


Greetings everyone, hope everyone had a good week. Very interesting cover photo from the Splinterlands team. Not sure if this is part of the tower defence. Time to take stock on my account growth and also share on the latest brawl from PIZZA 2.

Let's start things off with how my collection power increased since the last update.

Owned Card Power (CP)
Week Start CP: 19510
Week Ending CP: 20045

CP Additions:

Pelacor Conjurer x 2
Pelacor Deceiver x 3
Pelacor Mercenary x 3
Pelacor Bandit x 2
Ever-Hungry Skull x 1
Venari Heatsmith x 1
Gargoya Lion x 4
Merdhampir x 4
Bloodmaker x 1
Vampire Bat x 2

Venari Crystalsmith x 2
Venari Seedsmith x 1
Venari Wavesmith x 1
Naga Assassin x 2

Tide Biter x 1
Uraeus x 1
Djinn Renova x 1

CP: 535

Gladius Pack

No pack this week, I am consolidating Gladius pack to a few before I start opening. Hoping to get a quora.


Delta to Silver 2: 19955

This week + EOS doing real good in terms of card drops. It has been a while I have so many cards added to my collection. Been weeks and a couple of EOS with low card count but mainly SPS rewards. I am glad and hope it continues this way so that I can upgrade these reward cards since we are moving towards levelling cards to prevent rewards penalty.

EOS Snapshot:

EOS based on Splintershare yields at $0.88. Today of 16 days with varied rarities including Epic/Rare/Common. A decent amount of SPS was also obtained with 48 Merit and 17 pots. Rather glad with what manage to come (though deep down I am always looking forward to seeing a legendary appearing during chest opening)

Brawl Report
Alritey, time for some brawl action! Let's look at the matches I played this brawl. Something to note, I am always anchoring Fray 3 for my guild which is the Novice Chaos Legion Fray, so cards will be at lowest form without additional levelled up stats/abilities.

Brawl 1

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Fielding Captain Katie and hoping I am able to see what she is good with.

Outcome: Lost. Before Katie can do her work, she taken down by opponent Pelacor Arbalest. If only I manage to hit earlier since the 2 cards were on same rarity and speed.

Brawl 2
Link :

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While I fielded Releanor, I am not hopeful for this match looking how many magic cards my opponent lined up.

Outcome: Lost. Armour is no match for magic what more magic lineup with taunt.

Brawl 3

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Little league with no Gladius on either side.

Outcome: Win! Finally first win of brawl. Somehow I always feel Death Splinter on little league has many utility cards at its disposal.

Brawl 4

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Grum is one of the card that carries Gladius abilities. In situation like this, even my Gladius card looks inferior.

Outcome: Lost. Grum is reallly tough to beat.

Brawl 5

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Grand Master Rathe, hmm.... Tough to call for this set.

Outcome: Lost. I am screwed by Time Mage and the abilities from Rathe brought sustainability to opponent.

Brawl 6

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Hope Whistling Damon able to get some growth. Mine is an all offence while my opponent opted for a more defensive lineup.

Outcome: Win! Offence works for this match.

Guild Final Tally

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I am given 6 matches for this brawl, of which I won 2 and lost 4. Some really tough matches and strategies that I can adopt from learning from others.

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We came in 2nd for this brawl with the same number of match lost with the first place. It does mean we are short of players in our guild to take up guild. Hope we can have all frays filled up.

Thoughts about Splinterlands Journey
All good, loads of fun, learning and interacting with community! I do hope my post excites you to join this game! Really many things to learn and many amazing people around.


Call to Action
Splinterlands is a game that made me change my whole perspective of mobile gaming. The community and non-fixed gameplay is what attracts me and I believe will be something you wish to experience.

If you wish to join me, click on the link below and join me in this adventure.

Do drop me a comment/message if you've joined Splinterlands through my referral link and I will transfer you some DEC to help you begin your Splinterlands journey.

I am currently also part of PIZZA community and also a part of the community's Splinterlands Guild. PIZZA is an active gaming and creative arts crypto community on the HIVE blockchain. Popular cryto games such as SPLINTERLANDS, RISING STAR and HASHKINGS are actively discussed here. Plenty of other things are being discussed there with many good information.

Many events are being organized from time to time. Join the PIZZA DISCORD. This is a place filled with 💰🍕🎁GIVEAWAYS & AIRDROPS💰🍕🎁 and most definitely consisting of a friendly community to be in.

Thank you for reading post about my journey thus far. I would really appreciate it if you liked and/or comment to let me know what are you thoughts.

Let's keep up this community spirit to allow more learning and sharing.

Until next time, stay safe and have fun!


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