Social Media Challenge: Splinterlands Weekly (Dec 23 - Dec 29) + Brawl Report


Greetings everyone, this is the final week of 2022 and 2023 is fast upon us. I remembered I joined Splinterlands in late 2021 and unknowingly, 1 year just passed by just like that. Today I will be bringing you my Splinterlands journey CP growth and also a brawl report on the recent brawl for PIZZA 2.

Let's start things off with how my collection power increased since the last update.

Owned Card Power (CP)
Week Start CP: 23110
Week Ending CP: 23425

CP Additions:

Gargoya Lion x 1
Pelacor Deceiver x 1
Pelacor Mercenary x 2
Pelacor Bandit x 1
Vampire Bat x 1
Merdhampir x 2
Ever Hungry Skull x 2
Blood Maker x 1

Twilight Basilisk x 1
Venari Wavesmith x 2

Uraeus x 1
Djinn Chwala x 1

CP: 315

Gladius Pack

Time to start accumulating again.


Delta to Silver 2: 16575

I am actually glad that I am averaging 7 daily focus chest for the whole of this week. This means that playing on modern really bring me more daily focus chest. Also for this week, I am getting 2 Epics, must be secret Santa! End of season is upon us this weekend, let's see what it brings.

Brawl Report
Time for some brawl action! Let's take a look look at the matches I played this brawl. As usual, I am anchoring Fray 3 for my guild which is the Novice Chaos Legion Fray, so cards will be at lowest form without additional levelled up stats/abilities.

Brawl 1

Screenshot 2022-12-30 at 1.41.38 AM.png

Yikes, I forget about Katie. I don't have a good feeling on this.

Outcome: Lost. Bad decision for me to play death when there is Katie that can smash things fast and grow in blood lust.

Brawl 2
Link :

Screenshot 2022-12-30 at 1.44.38 AM.png

Foolish me. Instead of using Quora, I put up a big chunk of small critter to feed opponent Quora.

Outcome: Lost. Bad play, we need to trust in the Quora.

Brawl 3
Link :

Screenshot 2022-12-30 at 1.50.05 AM.png

Queen Mycelia will see me through since there is so many melee stuff on opponent lineup.

Outcome: Win! Way to go! Queen Mycelia really is the key.

Brawl 4
Link :

Screenshot 2022-12-30 at 1.55.18 AM.png

Alritey, time for Quora to do what she is needed to do.

Outcome: Win! Having Quora in the lineup really changes the outcome of matches.

Brawl 5
Link :

Screenshot 2022-12-30 at 1.59.55 AM.png

Noxious fumes and earthquake, opponent is well prepared with River Nymph. I took a gamble and hope Quora can turn the tide.

Outcome: Win! Continuous bombardment was enough to take my opponent down.

Brawl 6

Link :

Screenshot 2022-12-30 at 2.06.25 AM.png

I was bullied by Captain Katie in first match, time for me to try out.

Outcome: Win! Katie single handedly took out most of my opponent lineup.

Guild Final Tally

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I am assigned 6 matches this brawl, won 4 and lost 2. The 2 losses, one I manage to know how to apply, the other was because I chose to use a big squad of fodder instead of 1 Quora. I will get better.

Screenshot 2022-12-25 at 3.56.31 PM.png

We have climbed back up to rank 2. Good job everyone, keep up the momentum and we will be able to get better and better day by day.

Thoughts about Splinterlands Journey
Wow! 1 year just passed and 2023 is fast upon us. I have grown so much in the game, in terms of knowledge, assets and also the many friendship while playing. This journey has been so amazing and I am sure many more amazing things will come.


Call to Action
Splinterlands is a game that made me change my whole perspective of mobile gaming. The community and non-fixed gameplay is what attracts me and I believe will be something you wish to experience.

If you wish to join me, click on the link below and join me in this adventure.

Do drop me a comment/message if you've joined Splinterlands through my referral link and I will transfer you some DEC to help you begin your Splinterlands journey.

I am currently also part of PIZZA community and also a part of the community's Splinterlands Guild. PIZZA is an active gaming and creative arts crypto community on the HIVE blockchain. Popular cryto games such as SPLINTERLANDS, RISING STAR and HASHKINGS are actively discussed here. Plenty of other things are being discussed there with many good information.

Many events are being organized from time to time. Join the PIZZA DISCORD. This is a place filled with 💰🍕🎁GIVEAWAYS & AIRDROPS💰🍕🎁 and most definitely consisting of a friendly community to be in.

Thank you for reading post about my journey thus far. I would really appreciate it if you liked and/or comment to let me know what are you thoughts.

Let's keep up this community spirit to allow more learning and sharing.

Until next time, stay safe and have fun!


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