Social Media Challenge: Splinterlands Weekly (Aug 11 - Aug 17) + PIZZA 2 Brawl Report


Greetings everyone, how is everybody doing this week? We have just completed a season and I've restarted in Bronze league instead of my usual Silver 3 because of the difficulty encountered to climb the ratings to end at high silver. While it can be annoying when losing streak comes, it poses a challenge for us to continue growing. Today's post will also include account growth and brawl report for PIZZA 2.

With Card Power (CP) requirements abolished, I will just share the cards that I get throughout the week from chest.

Ferox Defender x 6
Coastal Sentry x 4
Terraceous Grunt x 1
Wily Coyotian x 5
Dumacke Orc x 2

Ravenhood Warden x 2

Gladius Pack
No packs opened. We are back to accumulating before opening, currently at 6.

While it is tougher to get cards in Bronze, I am trying hard to improve myself and quickly get out of Bronze and be stable in Silver.

My plan will be to enhance my already strong Water and Death card base. Commonly used card will be pushed to Silver max if possible, then I will also try to scoop up some Kelya and Thaddius to work on maxing them for Silver. Next week target will be on cards like Merdaali Guardian, Angelic Mandarin, River Nymph etc, these are important utility cards that should be considered to level up.

Current Staked SPS2033.584
Current League RangeSilver 3
SPS Delta to Next League3182

I will continue to be present for all the brawls for my guild to build up my SPS and also to find ways to be more consistent in my gameplay for better SPS earned.

End of Season Rewards

Only 19 chest this season, it has indeed become tougher to earn season chest. This upgrade to my cards is imminent, else it will be tough to progress and I might end up having to play longer in Bronze before moving into Silver.

Brawl Report
Time for some brawl action! Let's take a look look at the matches I played this brawl. As usual, I am anchoring Fray 3 for my guild which is the Novice Chaos Legion Fray, so cards will be at lowest form without additional levelled up stats/abilities.

Brawl 1

Screenshot 2023-08-18 at 1.26.04 AM.png

Selection:Low mana match, so I tried Katrelba to grow and take out opponent lineup
Outcome:Win! Katrelba shone, did really well.

Brawl 2
Link :

Screenshot 2023-08-18 at 1.30.17 AM.png

Selection:Sneak matchup so Windeku goes to the back with Ravenhood placed for armour, I picked Whistling Damon to snipe and grow
Outcome:Lost. Trapp Falloway wrecked me out totally, hope I can get a copy of it soon.

Brawl 3
Link :

Screenshot 2023-08-18 at 1.41.36 AM.png

Selection:Double gladius opportunity and I chose 2 to help me win the game.
Outcome:Win! Quora did the whole job herself and wreck through my opponent's lineup

Brawl 4
Link :

Screenshot 2023-08-18 at 1.45.37 AM.png

Selection:I effectively gave a showcase of my heavy duty magic lineup together with a reach in Gladius card
Outcome:Win! Baakjira and my heavy smashers pulverize through my opponent's lineup.

Brawl 5
Link :

Screenshot 2023-08-18 at 1.50.02 AM.png

Selection:Little league, plant in all your ability cards especially cards with life leech for off tank, and there is my selection.
Outcome:Lost. I placed one less life leech card and the impact is huge because my opponent had longer sustainability.

Brawl 6
Link :

Screenshot 2023-08-18 at 2.02.53 AM.png

Selection:Put in Quora and hope for the best since she has high health and can do good damage
Outcome:Win! Quora did what she needed to last the ruleset.

Guild Final Tally

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I am assigned 6 matches this brawl and I've won 4 and lost 2. One was due to Trapp Falloway and the other is because of fielding only one Life leech card when I can field more.

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We are looking a little low in terms of filling frays, which resulted in low matches and thereby requiring us to win way more to get higher brawl placing. Nevertheless, fellow members let's continue to better our game while waiting for more people to join in to bring the brawl to a different level. Let's continue to get stonger!

Thoughts about Splinterlands Journey
The game just doesn't apllows us to sit on our laurels. It brings me the desire to upgrade and I planned out what cards to get to upgrade the,. Everyday is a new opportunity to get even better in terms of asset and also gameplay.


Call to Action
Splinterlands is a game that made me change my whole perspective of mobile gaming. The community and non-fixed gameplay is what attracts me and I believe will be something you wish to experience.

If you wish to join me, click on the link below and join me in this adventure.

Do drop me a comment/message if you've joined Splinterlands through my referral link and I will transfer you some DEC to help you begin your Splinterlands journey.

I am currently also part of PIZZA community and also a part of the community's Splinterlands Guild. PIZZA is an active gaming and creative arts crypto community on the HIVE blockchain. Popular cryto games such as SPLINTERLANDS, RISING STAR and HASHKINGS are actively discussed here. Plenty of other things are being discussed there with many good information.

Many events are being organized from time to time. Join the PIZZA DISCORD. This is a place filled with 💰🍕🎁GIVEAWAYS & AIRDROPS💰🍕🎁 and most definitely consisting of a friendly community to be in.

Thank you for reading post about my journey thus far. I would really appreciate it if you liked and/or comment to let me know what are you thoughts.

Let's keep up this community spirit to allow more learning and sharing.

Until next time, stay safe and have fun!


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