Pelacor Merc New Card Locked In

Ah, It feels so good to be getting card rewards again in this game so I can start leveling some of these up to do better in battles.

I've also been working on increasing my drops for SPS and getting ready for new packs to see if that is something I want to dive into when released.

I rather have the option for vouchers and so forth instead of not having them and then realizing I want to take action on it. I'm also curious if vouchers are going to be some type of token or NFT in which can be traded and sold?

Today we locked in a brad new card! This one looks pretty awesome I'm loving the design and artwork on these including the new leveling bar which makes it much easier to read.


This card packs some serious punch when fully leveled up (which would be 400 total cards) Here is the breakdown and stats for each of its levels.


Have you unlocked this card yet?

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