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Splinterlands Battle Mage Secrets Weekly Challenge | with my most amazing monster!

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Namaste to all the wonderful warriors of Splinterlands!🙏

This is my entry to the Battle Mage Secrets Weekly Challenge! For this week's challenge, I've chosen one of my most recent battles where I tweaked my old strategy and added some new monsters. Hope you will enjoy this battle a lot and you will also learn something. :)


The total mana cap for this battle was just 20, including the summoner's mana cost as you all know.

Rule set (Shade of Gray)Meaning
Only neutral units of monsters can be used under this ruleset.

I chose the summoner of the Earth element whose name is Underboss Fabino and mana cost was 5. This Summoner would provide +2 melee attack to 2 monsters or Poisoned 1 monster. My reason for choosing this summoner was already clear, I did not need its +2 melee attack power but its poison.


Monsters on the battlefield!

1st position (Disintegrator)Ability
This monster has a mana cost of 7, is a level 1 neutral card, and he has this Demoralize ability which as its name suggests demoralize the opponent and reduces the melee attack of all enemy monsters by 1.

2nd position (Venka the vile)Ability
Mana cost of this monster is also 7, and it has Charge and Piercing ability. Through Charge Ability, this monster may use melee attacks from any position to the first position monster in the enemy camp and through Piercing ability, If melee or ranged attacks damage is in excess of the target's armour, the remainder will damage the target's health.

3rd position (Chaos agent)Ability
Mana cost of this monster is only 1, and it has no ability. Frankly this monster has never been of any use to me in combat, its main function is just to waste hits from the enemy.


With these 3 monsters, I created my team using all my mana caps.

Now I will take you to the battlefield!

Round 1

This is what the battlefield looked like after the monsters received the powers of both summoners. My opponent chose Taunting and Redemption powers on my first-positioned monster and I chose the Poison on my opponent's second-positioned monster and with that my first-positioned monster also demoralised each monster of my opponent's team. After which now it was the turn of the monsters to fight.

Round 2

In the very first round, By the end of the first round, both my and the opponent's first-positioned monsters had suffered a lot of damage but no monsters had been knocked out yet but at the beginning of the second round, my summoner's poison power took effect and the opponent's second position monster was knocked out. Now I had all my 3 monsters alive and my opponent also had 3.

Round 2.5

This is the tremendous power of my newly rented second-position monster (Venka the vile), which reduces 4 to 5 health of the opponent with each attack. By the end of the first round, both my and my opponent's first-position monsters had become very weak, so at the beginning of the second round, my newly rented monster knocked out the enemy with a single hit and this one attack changed the course of the battle.

Round 2.8

Here, due to a monster being knocked out on the battlefield, my opponent's Summoner's Redemption power was activated, reducing one health of all my monsters. Due to this my last position monster was knocked out and now both of us were left with only 2 monsters each.

Round 2.10

And then before the end of this round, my first-position monster also gave up due to one hit after another from the opponent. Based on the number of monsters left, the tide of battle had changed here and now my opponent looked stronger with 2 monsters. But everything has its own importance in this game. Sometimes being more in numbers helps and sometimes being more powerful helps.

Round 3

I told you that the hitting power of this newly hired monster of mine is amazing and at the same time this monster still had 4 health left. At the beginning of the third round, he knocked out one of the opponent's monsters in a single hit and now my opponent also had only one monster left.

Round 4

In the 4th round, when it was the opponent's turn, he reduced one health of my monster and then my amazing monster once again won the battle by defeating the opponent's last monster with a single hit.


Conclusion and what I learned!

I recently rented my second-positioned monster which is a neutral one. My main idea for this was that I would be able to use neutral monsters with any element and this would give me a little more freedom to understand the game at a lower cost. Along with this, I have also taken some more monsters on rent and all of them are also natural, hopefully, by using them I will be able to perform better than before in this game. I really think this strategy will work.

Apart from this, as I said even in the middle of the battle, sometimes it is important for you to be more powerful along with being outnumbered. So one thing that is important in the selection of my monsters is that the attacking power of my monsters should be more impactful because this one characteristic can be very useful for you in winning a battle.

You can enjoy my entire battle here!


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  1. English is not my first language. So sometimes I use 'Google Translate'. Please don't think that anything I have written in this blog has been copied from somewhere or is AI-generated.
  2. Paragraph Dividers and all the photos are from #Splinterlands.
  3. All the other content images and words are mine unless otherwise stated.

Have a Happy and Blessed day!