Battle Mage Secrets Weekly Challenge! | Noxious Fumes Ruleset played well!

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Namaste to all the warriors of Splinterlands!🙏

This is my entry to the Battle Mage Secrets Weekly Challenge! This will be my first battle with a particular ruleset in this secret weekly challenge and I bet this battle will keep you confused till the end as to who will win. I think you'll like this battle!


Let's now discuss my most fun Splinterlands battle!

The total mana cap for this battle was 47, including the summoner's cost.

I chose the summoner of the Earth element whose name is Obsidian and mana cost was 4. This Summoner will provide +1 magic attack to all friendly magic attack monsters.
Rule set (Noxious Fumes)Meaning
Under this ruleset, all monsters start the battle poisoned, which means that at the beginning of each round all monsters are poisoned and lose 2 health.


When I started playing Splinterlands a few weeks ago, I told you that I would take a strategy of understanding the elements and their associated monsters one by one. So in the beginning, I used the Fire element a lot, but after that, I started to understand the Death element and its monsters. In the same sequence, now it is my turn to understand the Earth element, hence I have been examining the monsters of this element for the last few days.

The reason behind choosing Obsidian as my summoner is its low mana cost, the 2 supporting monsters I rented both belonged to the Earth element also they have magic powers which is the ability of this summoner as well.

Monsters on the battlefield

1st position (Endless Ape)Ability
This monster has a mana cost of 8, and he has this Scavenger ability which helps him gain 1 health each time any unit dies.

2nd position (Venari Knifer)Ability
This monster has a mana cost of 6, and it has one of my favourite ability of Thorns which means when he hits with a melee attack, does 2 melee damage back to the attacker.

3rd position (Lord Thanalor)Ability
This monster has a mana cost of 12, is a level 1 card, and he has this Amplify ability which increases Magic Reflect, Return Fire, Thorns, Corrosive Ward, and Retaliate Damage to all enemy units (monsters) by 1.

4th position (Zebajin)Ability
Mana cost of this monster is 7, is also a level 1 card, and its ability is Armored Strike which means this unit (monster) gets an additional melee attack using its armour stat.

5th position (Lioceros)Ability
Mana cost of this monster is 7, is a level 1 card too, and it has thorns ability meaning when he hits with a melee attack, does 2 melee damage back to the attacker.

6th position (Blackmoor Nymph)Ability
Mana cost of this monster lady is 3 and its ability is Immunity in which this lady monster is immune to negative status effects.


I created my team by using all my mana caps with these monsters.

Now I will take you to my battle!

Round 1

This is what Splinterlands battlefield looked like in round 1 before anything happened. Here every monster is already poisoned as that is what this ruleset was meant for, after this the monsters got the powers of both summoners And because my opponent's Summoner had one magic-attack taking and one health taking power, the effect of my Summoner's power was reduced to zero and all my monsters' health was also reduced by one and then the battle began.

Round 2

Here you will understand the super human monster powers of my monster lady (Blackmoor Nymph)

Due to Ruleset's poison, as soon as the first round ended, all the monsters were affected by poison and everyone's health was reduced by 2 each due to which one monster each of mine and the opponent was killed. But my last positioned monster (Blackmoor Nymph) had the ability of immunity due to which the poison did not affect it.😎

After which we both were left with a total of 5-5 monsters.

Round 2.5

In the same round, my rented card Lord Thanallor knocked out the opponent's last-positioned monster in a single hit, and then both, mine and the opponent's first-ranked monsters killed each other with their Thorns Ability. Now I was left with 4 amazing monsters and my opponent had 3 monsters alive. Till now I had the edge in the battle and my victory was almost confirmed.

But by the end of this second round, my last position Monster Lady was also knocked out and now both of us had an equal number of monsters left but still I had more powerful monsters in comparison.

Round 3

The tradition so far in which either the battle has felt equal or I have maintained the lead seems to be continuing once again and my last-positioned monster used its Thorns ability to knock out the opponent's last-positioned monster, giving me the lead in the battle once again. Now I had 3 super monsters left and the opponent had only 2.

Round 4

Look, this is the picture before the start of Round 4, here even the poison of Ruleset has not been affected yet. Here two of my monsters have 2 health each and one has 5 health, similarly one of my opponent's monsters has 3 health and the other has 8 health. Due to the effect of Ruleset's poison, all the monsters here on the battlefield will have 2 health reduced, due to which 2 of my monsters will be out of the game without fighting at the beginning of the 4th round.

And here I will say that because of this ruleset, I became so weak in the battle that I had almost won.

Round 4.5

Here my lone monster also gave a tough fight to the opponent and in the same round, he knocked out the opponent's first-positioned monster. But by now its health had reduced considerably whereas in comparison the opponent's monster still had 8 health left.

Round 5

Here once again, my last monster also died without even getting a chance to fight due to this Rulset's poison. Even if he had not died from poison, I would have still lost this battle because by now my team was very weak but if we look at this entire battle, my bravest monsters were killed because of the poison of this ruleset.

That's why this battle is very special for me because despite having the best monsters and constantly maintaining the lead in the battle, I lost it.

This battle clearly shows that there are no cheat codes in this game. You never know what cards your opponent is going to have and how the ruleset can impact your brilliant team. With every battle you have to try to get better, And these things make this game even more exciting because even the masters may not be able to master it.
Love Splinterlands!😊

You can enjoy my entire battle here


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  1. English is not my first language. So sometimes I use 'Google Translate'. Please don't think that anything I have written in this blog has been copied from somewhere or is AI-generated.
  2. Paragraph Dividers and all the photos are from #Splinterlands.
  3. All the other content images and words are mine unless otherwise stated.

Have a Happy and Blessed day!

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