Today's Best Winning Cards + Price | Silver League


Today's Best Winning Cards Series, give you a nice overview on how much it cost to be(come) Rank.1 in the league bronze, silver or gold. We do the math behind the cards and calculate an estimate of how much you can expect to earn per battle.

In this post we reflect on the best set of cards playing currently (at the time of writing this post) in the Silver League of Splinterlands. What ability's you can expect for the amount of money you invest and ROI in DEC per battle. (this can change a lot because of volatility of the DEC price and every day it becomes harder to rank because more players are on Splinterlands playing the game)

I hope this give you some inspiration to build up your own collection of cards.


Below you see the current winning team this player is Rank. 1 at the moment in the Silver League


At the bottom you find the price calculation and total value of the complete card deck.








The total value of all the cards together = $762.53

Its not guaranteed that you can achieve this level in silver by investing this amount and succeed

Remember this is only for entertainment purposes and not financial advice.

If you want to be rank 1 in the (silver league) keep in mind that this is only one set of cards from one splinter of this player, it still depends a lot of how much mana you can use or what splinter you can use per battle to win like this.

At this level you can earn around 3.0 DEC per battle

Click on the link below if you want to try this game out and you have never played it before:

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