SPLINTERLANDS: Share your battle - CRAMMING 5 monsters in a 12 mana cap battle! [Lava Spider]

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The Starting Five


The MVP: Serpentine Spy

You rarely encounter a Fire squad without it. Alone, this card can decide the outcome of a battle in the very first round. Thus, the whole team is often built to give the Spy the best chances to outlive the one in the opposite team.

Serpentine Spy

Combined with Tarsa, the Spy gets a monstrous 3 melee opportunistic attack, which is often enough to kill the most vulnerable monsters in the opposition. The key is generally to help it outlive the one in the opposing team.


The Rookies: Scorch Fiend & Furious Chicken

They don't have much playtime as they often get attacked first. Nonetheless, they are key in making the team's strategy work. Acting as baits, they buy time for their MVP to tip the scales in their team's favor.

Scorch Fiend

Scorch Fiend is the only Chaos Legion Legendary I bought so far. Having noticed the unfair advantage the furious chicken could give in low mana battles, I decided to invest in this card to retain the edge once the Modern Format excludes the Chicken.
Furious Chicken

The household name Chicken is often decisive in low mana battles. Able to take a hit or two, it buys just enough time for its teammates to inflict serious damages in the opposite ranks.


The Underrated: Ant Miners

This card is way underrated compared to the value it provides on the field. In low mana battles, the Scavenger ability transforms one of the cheapest cards on the market into a wall hard to get through once it reaches the front.

Ant Miners

This was one of the first cards I bought to expand my deck. I still can't believe that this card is still so cheap. Ant Miners has been clutch countless times in low mana battles, especially in the Equalizer ruleset.


The Monster of the Week: Lava Spider

The Lava Spider has been drafted to replace the freshly retired Fire Beetle. With comparable stats, the Spider can snipe the opponent's support cast, which might take the opposition off guard.

Lava Spider

At level one, Lava Spider has identical stats to Fire Beetle. Not being able to rely on the latter in the starter deck anymore, Lava Spider often comes in handy when we are 1 mana short of picking Spark Pixies or when we need more health points in the back.

The match: Speed was King


Rulesets: Close Range + Equalizer
Mana Cap: 12
League: Gold III

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With so little mana to work with, having been able to cram 5 monsters in it was without a doubt extremely advantageous.

On top of that, the Equalizer ruleset gave my 0 mana monsters enough health to keep my Serpentine Spy and Lava Spider safe in the back.

Finally, my monsters being faster than the duo Khmer Princess/Goblin Psychic, the battle became quickly unfair.

Hope you've enjoyed my entry for this week.
See you all in the next challenge!



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Thank you.

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