Splinterlands: LEARNING FROM my OPPONENT! [The combo Taunt + Double Heal used in a way I didn't expect]

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To me, one of the best ways of improving in Splinterlands is learning from opponents. The following is an illustration.

Wave Brood

The best Health Points / Mana Cost ratio Taunt Monster (12/8 = 1.5)

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At the start of the General Sale, I had only enough money for purchasing half of the Chaos Legion Epics. Consequently, I had to make choices.

Wave Brood was one of the cards I passed on. The main reason was that I felt its best use case would be at the back with the support of one or two monsters with Triage. The problem was I didn't count any monster with Triage in my deck at that time (and, I still don't).

The Taunt + Double Heal Combo

I've relied on this combo a number of times. The Earth and Life splinters allow for the use of this tactic at a low cost. In fact, the starter deck comes with two Taunt monsters, Mycelic Slipspawn and Shieldbearer.

Earth Double Heal.jpgLife Double Heal.jpg

After that, the supporting cast is either easily available or cheap to rent. Goblin Psychic is a starter, Venari CrystalSmith is still in print as a reward card, while Wood Nymph and Divine Healer are ones of the cheapest cards to rent.

The Water Splinter

I knew that the double heal was also an option in the Water Splinter by combining Merdaali Guardian with Crustacean King. However, for some reason, I've never thought of putting Wave Brood in the front line. My mind was most probably too carried away by the Triage ability.

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Getting Shieldbearer over 12 health points

The Life Splinter comes with the Summoner Mother Khala who gives an extra health point to the whole team. It offers several monsters with the Strengthen ability as well. For instance, Djinn Renova comes to mind. However, this would have required extra mana cost, which we couldn't quite afford in the following battle.

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The battle

Rulesets: Fog Of War + Spreading Fury
Mana Cap: 21
League: Gold III

At one point, I was inflicting 7 damage hit points per turn. It didn't make Wave Brood shiver a bit. Merdaali Guardian and Crustacean King were healing it for 8!

Wave Brood Taunt Battle.jpg

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Hope you've learned something or at least got entertained.

See you in the next one!


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