Splinterlands social media challenge: Let's explore some amazing dragon monsters

The dragon element is one element that always fascinates me. The monsters of this element usually have incredible stats, making them ever formidable in battle. This time, we will be exploring some of these monsters, their stats and their capabilities.

Diamond Dragon

Diamonds are known to be impenetrable. That's what this monster demonstrates. It has a whooping armor of 10. On top of that, it has a health of 6. Those are massive stats. This means that it would take a lot of attacks for this card to be eliminated in battle.

It is also a magic attack card. You can put it in the front row in battle, and you can put it in the back row. It also had a good a speed. You can see it has a high mana cost of 10, but then, it is totally worth it

The diamond Dragon has two abilities, the flying ability and the slow ability. With the flying ability, it can evade ranged or melee attacks from enemy units, as long as that unit doesn't have the flying ability also. With the slow, it drops the speed of all enemy units by 1.

By level 2, the diamond Dragon adds the cleanse ability, which lets it take away all the negative effect on the car in the tank position of the same team. Then by level 3, it gets the last stand ability. With this ability, it gain 50% increase if it is the only surviving unit left on the team.

Redwyrm Dragon

This is also a magic attack card. So it can fit anywhere in battle. It has an armor of 5 and a health of 7. This makes it a good candidate for the tank position, since it can hold its own in battle with these stats. It has a speed of 2 which is okay, in my opinion.

The Redwyrm Dragon has the flying ability. It also has the immunity ability. This ability grants it immunity against negative effects. Isn't that cool?

By level 5, it adds the stun ability, which implies that when it hits an enemy unit, there's about a fifty percent chance of that unit skipping its next turn. In addition, by level 6, its speed increases to 6, its armor increases to 6, and its health increases to 11

The Vigilator

This is both a ranged and a melee attack monster. So it can attack from close range and also from a distance. It has a health of 8, which means it could last longer in battle. In addition to that, it is very fast, as it has a speed of 4. This is the kind of card that can also fit anywhere in battle.

It has the double strike ability, allowing it to attack twice every round.

By level 2, it add the thorns ability. With this ability, it can retaliate with 2 melee damages to an enemy unit that hits it with a melee attack. Furthermore, by level 4, the melee attacks increase to 3 and the ranged attacks increase to 2.

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Images are from Splinterlands.com

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