[ Radiated Brute ] - Share Your Battle! Weekly Challenge (2)

My second challenge of the week!
Theme and card of the week is Radiated Brute.

Unexpected outcome and weird game ahead.

Thoughts: This is a card which I usually think of to put in my high cost Fire decks. In lower cost Fire decks, I think there might be more benefit in placing lower cost cards such as Uraeus or even some fodder cards to take aggro of Opportunity attacks.

Radiated Brute is a card which I see similarities to the Fineas Rage which I really liked playing after it opened my eyes to its win potential. However, their speed are vastly different, hence why I might feel differently towards the Radiated Brute's win potential.

Card Showcase

ThemeRadiated Brute
EditionChaos Legion
RarityCommon 🔘
ElementFire 🔥
AttackMelee 💪
AbilitiesReach 🙋‍♂️

Battle Rules


No modification to the standard gameplay rules and mechanics.

Mana cap: 30

Usable elements: | ALL |

Team Composition

Role: Summoner

A generally great summoner to be used. With a (+1) to melee attack and (+1) to health, it is versatile and often the favoured choice over Pyre, its other free Fire summoner.

I used her as I was playing a more melee attack centric deck.

Role: Tank

The first in position and pretty much the mainstream tank you will see from Fire decks. With 'okay' health and 2 armour, along with the Shield ability, it is already a good tank, especially against melee and ranged attackers.

With 3 melee damage, it will further gain a (+1) boost from Tarsa, making it a scary foe.

Role: Secondary Tank, Reach

The second in position of the team and also the card of the week. With a good tank leading the front, the Brute will be able to steadily deal good damage to the opponent frontline with its ability - Reach.

For its cost, it has pretty decent stats except its one poor point, that is, its lack of speed.

Role: Damage Dealer, Opportunity

Probably the favourite card of any Fire deck players. Played alongside Tarsa, it hits with 3 damage - probably hitting the enemy damage dealers.

At such a cheap cost, you would be able to wreak havoc in the enemy back lines and possibly win the round when the enemy do not pay attention to it.

Placed it near the middle for some survivability.

Role: Magic Attacker

Does not synergize with Tarsa the summoner, however I placed it in the team in hopes of facing against an armoured opponent. If magic was used, the card would be able to deal direct damage to the opponent's health, which would be deadly.

Placed it after the Serpentine Spy in hopes of this card working in my favour.

Role: Damage Dealer, Backline Hitter (Sneak)

This is a good card in my opinion. With pretty good all around stats along with the Sneak ability, if not dealt with quickly, it will create havoc and clear out the backline on the opposing team.

Placed it in the middle to let him survive longer.

Role: Gap, Backline Shield

A cheap card with decent stats for its cost. If placed well, it can prevent 1 or 2 attacks which may prove detrimental in some battles.

Placed it at the back to tank the backstabs for Tenyiii Striker.

Play by play

Opposing Summoner - Obsidian (4)

Opposing Cards - Failed Summoner (2), Chaos Agent (1), Mycelic Slipspawn (9), Regal Peryton (5), Goblin Psychic (6) and Khmer Princess (2)

> Round 1:

(Round 1 battle log)

(+) -- My cards / Positive outcomes
(-) -- Opponent's cards / Negative outcomes

(-) Regal Peryton dealt 2 direct damage to Living Lava!
(+) Serpentine Spy dealt 3 direct damage to Mycelic Slipspawn!
(-) Mycelic Slipspawn dealt 3 direct damage to Living Lava!
(+) Djinn Apprentice dealt 2 direct damage to Mycelic Slipspawn!
(+) Tenyii Striker dealt 3 direct damage to Mycelic Slipspawn!
(-) Khmer Princess takes down Living Lava!
(-) Goblin Psychic dealt 3 damage to Radiated Brute!
(+) Radiated Brute dealt 3 damage to Failed Summoner!

> Round 2:

(Round 2 battle log)

(+) -- My cards / Positive outcomes
(-) -- Opponent's cards / Negative outcomes

(-) Regal Peryton dealt 2 direct damage to Radiated Brute!
(+) Serpentine Spy takes down Mycelic Slipspawn!
(+) Djinn Apprentice takes down Failed Summoner and received 1 direct damage in return!
(+) Tenyii Striker takes down Khmer Princess!
(-) Goblin Psychic takes down Radiated Brute!

> Round 3:

(Round 3 battle log)

(+) -- My cards / Positive outcomes
(-) -- Opponent's cards / Negative outcomes

(-) Regal Peryton takes down Serpentine Spy!
(+) Djinn Apprentice takes down Chaos Agent!
(+) Tenyii Striker takes down Goblin Psychic!

> Round 4:

(Round 4 battle log)

(+) -- My cards / Positive outcomes
(-) -- Opponent's cards / Negative outcomes

(-) Regal Peryton dealt 2 damage to Djinn Apprentice!
(+) Djinn Apprentice dealt 2 damage to Regal Peryton!
(-) Regal Peryton dodges an attack from Tenyii Striker!

> Round 5:

(Round 5 battle log)

(+) -- My cards / Positive outcomes
(-) -- Opponent's cards / Negative outcomes

(-) Regal Peryton takes down Djinn Apprentice!
(-) Regal Peryton dodges an attack from Tenyii Striker!

> Round 6:

(Round 6 battle log)

(+) -- My cards / Positive outcomes
(-) -- Opponent's cards / Negative outcomes

(-) Regal Peryton dealt 2 damage to Tenyii Striker!
(+) Tenyii Striker dealt 3 damage to Regal Peryton!

> Round 7:

(Round 7 battle log)

(+) -- My cards / Positive outcomes
(-) -- Opponent's cards / Negative outcomes

(-) Regal Peryton dealt 2 damage to Tenyii Striker!
(-) Regal Peryton dodges an attack from Tenyii Striker!

> Round 8:

(Round 8 battle log)

(+) -- My cards / Positive outcomes
(-) -- Opponent's cards / Negative outcomes

(-) Regal Peryton dealt 2 damage to Tenyii Striker!
(-) Regal Peryton dodges an attack from Tenyii Striker!

> Round 9:

(Round 9 battle log)

(+) -- My cards / Positive outcomes
(-) -- Opponent's cards / Negative outcomes

(-) Regal Peryton takes down Tenyii Striker!
(+) Radiated Scorcher takes down Regal Peryton!

Strategy Talk

First of all, I did not expect to win against an Earth magic deck. Secondly, I really hate Regal Peryton. Now let me go through the process of this very unexpected victory.

Looking at the opponent's history, I noticed him playing a mix of decks. Seeing the mana cost cap was at 30, I decided to just try out the Fire melee deck in hopes of fighting against either a melee or ranged deck.

In this battle, I tried to focus on the survivability of my backhitting damage dealers, leaving a card such as Radiated Scorcher to tail behind for backstab. I had more than enough mana cost to pull out the Fire core trio (Living Lava, Serpentine Spy, Tenyii Striker) and the card of the week, so it worked out for me.

While I had triumphed today, Radiated Brute did not put out as much of use as I had expected. As the Brute only managed to dish out one hit with its Reach ability, I don't think it managed to show its value there. Due to its low speed, almost the whole enemy team took a jab at the frontline tank, hence not allowing Radiated Brute to do much behind cover. It could also be my choice of tanks (?) Perhaps I could try another tank next time.

On hindsight, I could have used another card another than Djinn Apprentice. Maybe I could have arranged better placements for my cards if so. It was indeed unexpected to have the Radiated Scorcher to finish the battle and be also the last man standing though.

The only position you would really put Radiated Brute would be the second in line as you want to use its Reach ability. Paired with a good tank, you would see good win potential from there. In this battle, I think the Tenyii Striker really carried me by removing almost the whole team just by staying alive. Overall, I would still use it in my medium to high mana cost decks but I am starting to see how it is lacking in an actual battle.


Thanks for reading!

Sorry for showing such a long and weird battle haha 😅

Although, it was fun to theorise and also play the card I don't usually play.

We keep on going. Cheers.

Link to the battle: https://splinterlands.com?p=battle&id=sl_100845139391ed03ff2fb2ace7e9a9a0&ref=tertius

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