Opening the Rift

With everything going on, I think it is worth getting a little space and talking about something else for a bit, so - Splinterlands is on the cards!


I ended up buying 2000 packs and getting the extra 400 bonus packs with the intention of maxing out one full deck.


My first pack opening...




I think the theoretical number to max a deck was around 1450 packs.

So, I continued on opening after buying all the potions necessary (it took a couple rounds), I ended up cracking 1600 of the packs in quick succession, which was not quite enough to max a deck. But instead of opening more, I decided to buy what I needed off the secondary market.

I needed

  • 2 Skargore
  • 14 Rune Crafter
  • 22 Bramble Pixies
  • 4 Lemell Refugees
  • 1 Whelp Herder

Which came to about 22 dollars extra - or the price of 4-5 packs.


So now, I have a regular Rift Watcher army at max level, with a few left over odds and ends.


And, out of 1600 packs, I scored 136 regular legendaries, which I think is about on par with the average, as it is a strike rate of 1:11.75 packs.


But of course, people are also interested in the number of Gold Foil Legendaries too:


I don't have much luck with these, but perhaps everyone feels that way. I ended up the proud owner of six GFLs so far, but nothing maxable for play. I am not sure I would max them anyway at this point, but that might change in the future, if LAND ever happens.

1600 presale packs are worth $8000 a pack, plus vouchers. However, with the vouchers buying 2000 packs, there is effectively a 20% discount as it collects 400 bonus packs. I didn't pay for the majority of my vouchers directly, so that is not a direct cost. There is an opportunity cost of selling them though. However, those 1600 packs worth $8000 are now worth:


Yep, that is a loss, if not factoring in the 20% discount. With that included, it is still a positive gain. However, I suspect that they will drop further in price for a while as more packs are opened and people sell, especially since the general consensus is at the moment perhaps - that they are not as strong as assumed. But, is this the case?

At least for me at first glance, it would be the case, but what I have quickly realized is - they are are very hard to use well. Once I learn however, I feel that many of these cards are going to be staples, at least under certain rulesets. While struggling so far to use them - in some cases, I have wiped the floor with them when I get the lineup correct. Now, I just need to experiment more to get it "right" more often.

Consistency requires practice.


With three million packs in total, there are still 2.3M left to sell, but I think the pack sales on this has been heavily affected by all of the other offerings from the Splinterlands team, like Tower Defense. I feel that this dilution of attention is more a negative on the ecosystem at the moment, especially given how the proposal for SPS to be dropped on the TD packs is being whipped through the governance process.

I don't like the practice of politics at the best of times. Less in my gaming.

"Rift Watchers" may be aptly named to describe the current landscape of the Splinterlands community.

But, I won't let that get me down for now, as there are challenges in personal life to worry about, which I will turn my attention to now.

As far as the season of play is going though - I have scraped into Champion 3 in Wild and did the same for Modern, but played just one more round, and ended up slipping back to mid-Diamond 2. I am back in Diamond 1, but I have killed my ECR and I am unlikely to get back to Champion 3, as I will be heading back to the hospital soon - where real life awaits.

Can't avoid reality for long.

[ Gen1: Hive ]

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