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Not Sneaky Enough


VRUZ dropped and with 566K SPS staked, I was able to get 566 BCX. With a guaranteed 1 gold for every 25, I was up for at least 22, but got 27 - which sounds great, but I have heard that they were apparently dropping at a very high rate for some people who did their transactions in groups of 25. I would have tried this too had I known, but I also think that if there is an algorithm in play, it shouldn't matter much whether buying in lots of 25 (the minimum for a guaranteed gold), or all at once as I did.


Currently, they are holding up very well on the market, even though I sold the few regular extras I had near the bottom, expecting them to fall faster and much harder. I still think they will. I kept the gold however and also have 100 "owing" from a friend who didn't have as many, but I helped him max what he had.

Hopefully, the price will drop, but I am in no rush for the return.

If it does drop, I will buy some more anyway.

I am interested in what the final print count is going to be, as while there is a theoretical max of 551,000, it can't actually get there, because it is only on every "full 1000" SPS staked and, it requires a voucher as well. So, there are likely people who didn't have enough vouchers, even though they had the SPS, as generally people are selling vouchers into the market, or trading it for DEC-B. Whatever the count is and whatever the value, I like this mini bonus for staking SPS.

The first battle I used it with I screwed up the set by not paying attention, but here I got a win: VRUZ

Not the best usage of the card, but at least it was a win. And, I am glad that it also had a miss on it and I hope it is one of many. I have had so many losses today it is incredible. I don't know what is going on, but I suck big time.

Maybe my attention is elsewhere.

And the new play token system has been released today, and I have already played mine down to 10 battles left. Granted, it wasn't full to begin with, but I might actually like this system because once I play it down, I can just walk away and not worry about it at all, until there are enough tokens back in the bank. I have issues holding my ECR and the cost was high if dropping below the 50% mark. This way, perhaps I will learn to play at different times - when I am more likely to get some wins.

I am struggling though at the moment, so I should probably just take a couple days off and get my mind back into it later, rather than trying to force my way through. I am only playing modern too currently, so perhaps I should get back into the Wild format and see if that is any easier, though that takes far more rentals for me. In modern, I can get away with less - which is of course why more people are going to play modern, as they are likely to have more of the suitable cards and, there are more of those cards on the rental market also, making them far cheaper. It is interesting to see that some of the key cards are not available at times too though, even from Riftwatchers and Chaos Legion.


By the looks of things, there are now about 215,000 Vruz printed, which is almost half of the maximum. However, it has only been available for 12 hours or so, which means there might be a lot more to come, depending on who hasn't printed yet.

The price for those golds is very high for a common, but this might also be a card that people will want to have, so it might stay up there too. I need 11 more for a max, so that is about 80 dollars, but not sure if it is worth at this time to even bother. I have a playing card maxed in the regular and I don't think it is worth having a gold of this doing anything on Land.

However, that is something that should be done for the next release of a an SPS and Voucher backed card, where there is some special Land multiplier for it. That would make it valuable and rewarding for many SPS holders, but also give it a decent market value also. Perhaps something like a Neutral card that can be used anywhere, but also gets a 10% bonus or something.

Now though, it is time for bed, for the days are long, and

The night is dark and full of terrors

Well, it is dark, and the terror comes in the form of having to get up too early after not enough sleep.

Perhaps I will dream about the next quarterly card.

[ Gen1: Hive ]