Feeling So Gladius


It has been a while since this has happened, but I will hang up my spurs with over a day and a half left in the season. Unfortunately, I didn't get to play much in Champions as I struggled heavily in the Diamond Leagues, but at least I scraped up to C3, though my ECR was gurgling around 50% most of the season, which means that my rewards are pretty shite, as are the amount of chests I get. I managed 51 for the EOS chests, but was struggling on the dailies.






I am also not happy with my win rate and in Modern I was able to pull it back a little further, though at least it is above a 50% level. Just. That is 50.3% in Wild.

My efficiency is terrible and this season I felt that I was really struggling to get any streaks going at all. It felt hard and was quite frustrating, because there were so many close rounds that with slightly more luck on which card struck first, I would have had it. Also, I was using Jacek a bit and it was uncanny how many times my Scattershot loaded monsters, still targeted the taunt monster, but rarely the ones that had Fury.

Sometimes, it feels like my account has a buff on it.

That would be pretty easy to code into the game, right? @yabapmatt, is there something I should know? I thought our past was all water under the bridge... :D And...

That's a nice Runi you have.

I was going to keep playing, but unfortunately, I got benched from Brawling this next round due to my poor performance in the last where I went 4 and 4. It is a shame, as I have quite enjoyed the brawls, which I didn't think I would, though I really don't like being one of the bottom performers. I have started building a half decent Gladius set though in the short time I have been playing and I hear that Quora Towershead is a sort after card - Mine is now at L2, though I am going to need another six before she really comes into her own with Immunity.


I was thinking a little about how slow it is to build a Gladius collection, yet it isn't even saleable, or transferrable - they are bound to the account. So, people have been brawling and collecting them for ages and still don't have a lot of cards, though I think I can only play them up to Silver level anyway. Still, if they were transferrable, I think they would have a pretty decent market value.

I also think that it might be worth increasing the amount of merits rewards for brawls to incentivize it further or perhaps, make the merit rewards in game sellable, as there are probably lots of accounts that earn them, but don't use them. Maybe this goes against the tenets of the Brawls, but I haven't been playing long enough to know. I guess making it hard to build these Gladius decks keeps people engaged, but I also think that it means these cards aren't really "mine" as I can't actually do as I please with them. If I chose to sell all my SL assets - these would be lost.

That seems a shame - and a waste of opportunity.

I wonder what people would pay for an L2 Quora?

I know a few people who have been brawling the entire time and still don't have even a single one, though they really want one.

@abh12345 - what would you offer?

But, having said that, even though they aren't transferrable now, they *do have a CP amount attached to them, which is completely useless for brawling. That means that there is some potential that in the future, Gladius cards will be tradeable and the market will explode. This will be especially lucrative for the gold cards, as they are both hard to get a hold of, so the Gold Card brawlers with a decent set of Gold Gladius, will have a mammoth advantage.

I don't play gold rounds as I have very few suitable cards, but I do have some gold Gladius, and even an L4 one:


What are they worth?



Though, I have no idea how they have a value at all, as they are not tradeable. This means that their true market value is


One day though, will someone be able to buy my Eastern European golden porn star?

Katrelba Gobson

She is well known for her ability to perform the much hyped move - "The Whistling Damon" - Her most famous scene is shot with the almost equally as well know German counter-part,

Hugo Strongsword.

I should watch less porn and play more Splinterlands perhaps....

Or vice versa.


The time is changing tonight and it means we will get an extra hour of sleep, if we didn't have a child. As while the clocks move back an hour, it will mean that our thoughtful and caring daughter who normally gets up at 6 am on weekends (7.30 on school days), will instead get up at 5. And once she is up, she will not be dozing away for the next couple hours to let her parents have a Sunday sleep in.

This does actually change things for me though, as it means that I have an hour less to get a daily post onto the chain, and sometimes, I have come very close to missing the 1200 deadline. For those who don't know, Hive Blockchain Time is the only real time and at the moment it is 220am where I am, but in real time:


This means that rather than 3am for the cutoff, it will be 2am and while that might not be an issue for most, I have come within 30 seconds of losing my streak, but it holds strong still at about 5.5 years straight.

Which ironically, is the same amount of time it would take brawling every round and being top guild, to build a full gladius collection, up to about the gold level...

That is completely true.
It probably isn't true.

[ Gen1: Hive ]

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