RE: Splinterlands Town Hall Summary - April 6th, 2022 - 8PM Eastern!

New Expansion? Really? If ive learned anything from CL is that I won’t be buying any of those cards or any more cards for that matter. Why would you do this? It’s over saturated and will further yank the rest of the value of CL even more. This is play-to-lose model. There is no reason to buy a pack of cards when the value is less than what the pack is bought for and will lose value until the expansion is sold out. Risking never selling out because there will always be a new expansion to further depreciating. And at this point there is almost no reason to buy older cards. Anyone new coming into this game since CL has no reason to buy cards and has only seen their investments depreciate. The depreciation is worse than the earnings from playing. Profits from renting seem to be less than the depreciation of the cards. How about fixing economy before ANY talk of new expansion or lore because nobody will care if this play to lose mode continues.

I’m only bitching because I love the game and don’t want tosell.

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