Splinterlands Social Media Challenge : The Best Time to Come Back

Hello again Splinterlands friends, for this week I will be talking about my thoughts about the current situation of the game.

AS we all know many things are changing within the game this past weeks, many tweaks were done specially in the new Glint Shop. It was recently for me I would say improved. Now the excitement returned with the come back of opening chests.

I am hearing and reading a lot of feedbacks about this new system, some loves and some don't . But for me it all boils down on the way you grind to be able to have a profitable accounts.

Also I've been seeing a lot of players coming back into the game, and I would say lucky them. Also the new players are very lucky to choose this time to come back. The prices of cards are very inviting now, building a decent deck than can compete in higher league is now very possible.

Let's start with the summoners, as you can see the prices are now way lower compared to when the prices are at the peak. Building a full deck now don't require a lot of money. Honestly I've been playing with only Chaos and Reward cards, not all is maxed, I just picked the essential units to max . And with that deck I'm playing upto the Champions League.

As you can see above even the Chaos Units are now very affordable, Building a max level deck is now very attainable. And if we combine it with the current SB Reward Cards you will definitely can make a decent deck that can be competitive even in the higher leagues.

We can see that the game is improving a lot, all thanks to the developers for listening to the community . A success of a project will depend on the community that is supporting it.

I know Splinterlands has more years of fun and earnings to give, and I'm hoping everyone will join in this journey.



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