Splinterlands Social Media Challenge : Playing The Melee Mayhem Rule

Hello Splinterland friends, in continuation for the sixth year celebration of Splinterlands I would like to share some tips for that might help new players in their battles. I know some are having a hard time getting to know the game, but once you get the hang of it you will surely enjoy it for sure.

Like I said I will be sharing some tips. And for this week I will be sharing about how to play the rule " Melee Mayhem". I know every battle have different gameplays depending on the side rules and conditions. But this time I'll just give tips on a general basis.

Most players when given this ruleset usually picks melee units, but for more advanced players they use this rule to counter the enemy. But for this post purpose , both players will pick melee units , so how do we counter this .

Countering Melee Units.


One of the best way to counter Melee Units is to pick units with the Demoralize Ability.

Here are some of them available in my deck.

With the demoralize ability, you can reduce the melee damage of all monsters with melee attacks. This makes them less effective in battle. So the more units you have in your line up the better , good thing is we already have two neutral units (Alvar, Disintegrator ) with this ability making it useful for any elements .

Shield Ability

After reducing melee damage , now the next thing to do is reduce further the damage. This is where Units with the shield ability comes into play . With this ability more of the melee damage will be reduced into half making melee units lesser effective.

Here are some of the units with the shield ability.

There are instances that almost no damage are dealt to shield units specially when you put up enough demoralize units in the field.

Now after giving the counters, its time to share the some of the best units for this rule .

Double Strikers Melee

Most melee Units with double strikes are not effective as tank so using them in the Melee Mayhem rule is very effective since they can attack in any position, this units have a very good damage that's why they are very effective.

Imagine this massive damage and they strike you twice. This will surely leave a mark if not will instantly eliminate a unit they hit.

Double Attack Type

One more effective units for this Melee Mayhem is those units with another attack aside from their melee damage whether it's ranges or magic damage.

I have a little units with this feature but I make sure to utilize them when the opportunity arises because they give a big advantage.

And I guess that's it for the pointers that I like to share when you encounter the Melee Mayhem Rule. I hope I helped in your decision making in your next battles.

In you have any tips, maybe you can also feature it in the SPLINTERLANDS SOCIAL MEDIA CAHLLENGE.

Thanks again for dropping by, see you in the next one!



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