Splinterlands Rewards Share Time with some Game Talk

I hope that some of you check out the part about the pack discount. It is nice to be able to save money and maybe be part of helping someone design a card. Overall I break down all the updates from the AMA on vouchers and the new Promo card Dr. Blight then I talk about the Group Pack Buy I am joining to get the best discount if you want to join in come to the blockchaingaming discord link is below. I give away 1000 DEC again on a live spin and collect my season rewards. Maybe I got lucky today? Well, hope you enjoy and happy Halloween.

Post about Pack Discounts
blockchaingaming Discord come talk about the group pack buy here

0:00 Intro
0:39 Vouchers Updates
4:47 Dr. Blight Break Down
8:37 Buy Packs Like a Whale
13:20 Wheel Spin
14:15 Season Rewards
19:20 Wrap UP

Sign Up Here to Play

Now for the giveaway. All you have to do to enter is watch the video at least a bit and tell me what you think. Would be nice if you could sub to my youtube if you haven't yet just to grow it. Now I have a winner from my last Post with a giveaway and it was a live spin in the video check it out to see who won.

@aquaking might want to watch lol make sure to comment here to win.

chaos legion.png

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