Splinterlands Dice Card Review Death Cards and 1000 DEC Giveaway


Hello everyone I am going to be switching up my post where I giveaway 1000 DEC from a battle recap to a review of the new DICE cards. Until I have gone over all of them. Then I might go back to battles but I am not sure. Anyone with an idea for something new let me know that can count to enter the contest. The other way to get into the contest now is to let me know what you think of any of the cards and if got something wrong or forgot something big. Time to do the Death Cards


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Owster Rotwell is the new summoner for the Death team from Dice. I know that magic reflect might not seem that good but watch this battle and you will see when he is best. Yup good old back to the basics. What is the classic team for that? I always go high life tanks and mages behind. Sometimes ranged guys but mostly magic. Well, no more is that a safe play as that battle showed you. A full team of mages when everyone can bounce back magic attacks. Our fight wasn't even close and that was a battle in the big $1000 tournament today. Losing this match kept me out of the top 8. I think I got 10th or 11th. So I will never forget what this guy can do in the right match. I also think that sometimes if you just think a lot of mages are going to be on the other team he is worth a play. Like broken arrows or just a player who has been playing blue all day. I will have to level him up and try him out more often.


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Marrow's Ghost is a strange card. 3 cost with 3 attack is nice for low mana matches. Void armor is a nice ability. So it looks like he is 3 cost with 8 life. He is also maybe good if you can give your team repair and use him. Yet there is an ability that will ruin your day a bit. Shatter, all a sudden he is down to just 1 hp. Still, I like the card as an add-in for lower mana matches that let melee attack from anywhere. So think 12 to 15 mana super sneak or melee mayhem. You can try him out as your tank in those matches and if they don't have shatter he is going to take a while to kill. It isn't that risky as not thank many low-cost monsters have shatter. I can only think of is the Undead Archer. He is also on the death team so you might not see him often unless you end up in death vs death match. Let me know what you think would you use this guy?


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Cthulhu is really really good. He is also good for the team. Death is a much better mage team than some people think. They have a lot of good strong mages. This card just adds to that and gives you the option to have a mage tank. Cripple is only okay for me. I haven't seen it matter much. I think when you ger Reverse speed games it will be strong as you will attack early before a healer. But in normal speed games, you have this card hitting last. He will hit with 3 magic damage last so there is a good chance he might kill the guy. Stun is great, but the same issue is not good in a normal game and great in reverse speed games. Can't proc a stun if you kill the guy. It is still cool lots of time his last attack could bb after the tank is dead. Then it is nice no matter what. Weaken is a great one to have on high-cost monsters as it is cool to get into a high mana match but tends to be on low-cost cards. Then you can give him last stand. When he gets that boost it will make him really strong. This also makes death one of the few teams that can hang with Dragon in 99 mana. With this card then have a 10 cost tank with a mix of 11,8,8,7 mana cost cards follow up by good 6 cost cards if you don't add in some neutrals. It is fun to pull out the big guns of death also as they combo well. Don't sleep on this team it is strong.


Okay so what did I miss? Or what would you like to add? If you took the time you read this thanks.

I do have a winner to send some DEC to from the last post. I am surprised I only get a few entries but here is who won.

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Congrats to @stokjockey enjoy the DEC it is going up.
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