End Of Season Splinterlands Report And Lessons Learned

Splinterlands feels like it's been around the ringer. From a small start up that did pretty well 5 years ago to a number one game to play during the bull market to now financial issues (which are being addressed and worked on finally) I believe now the game has a bright future once again but it's going to take time and commitment not only from the community but also the devs and leadership there. The hopes for myself are the company is able to build enough passive income streams to fuel the growth of the project but to also continue to reduce costs and also start pulling in sponsors and other things which get placed into a pool value to either help the price of SPS or some how returned back to the players.

With that being said let's get into the end of season report.

This season was the first one I was able to play a bit and actully walk away with some prizes in bronze. Before this for months simply lost every battle to bronze bots and couldn't rank up at all resulting in zero rewards. After that I just rented everything out so I could at least stack some type of value somehow from the game.

This season I played about the last 4 days of and walked away with some cards and other rewards from normal battles. It also landed me a total of 18 bronze chests to open.

The big bonus here as I'm maxed on SPS for this tier (well really all tiers) so these rewards are at the highest multiplier which I think is a little over 13x.

Mainly what I care about right now are cards over anything else. The merits, potions and sps earned at this level are so low that a card is much more valuable especially with land coming.

Lucky for me we hit some decent opens on cards. Pulling in a total of 3 rare cards and 7 normal.

The goal next season is to hopefully be able to push into silver, heck maybe even gold as there was a time when diamond was common place for me. I'm not sure what's changed maybe I just suck at playing the game? lol

In any case it feels good to be stacking just more than rented out DEC and SPS rewards and get a little back into the game earning those sweet sweet NFTs!

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