Splinterlands Town Hall Summary - October 23rd 2023!

Splinterlands Town Hall Summary - October 23rd, 2023!

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Town Hall Summary

  • Team Members:
    • Yabapmatt (Co-Founder & CEO)
    • Nate (Creative)
  • Recording:
  • Timestamps:

    • 00:35 - Introduction
    • 1:25 - Yabapmatt (Co-Founder & CEO)
    • 9:00 - Nate (Creative)
    • 17:50 - Q&A


💥 Key Points 💥

Rebellion Pre-Sale

  • Pre-sale started last week
  • First 24 hours - almost half sold out
  • Rebellion set full release scheduled for 12/5
  • Previews of card stats will trickle in before that date
  • A week or so before the general sale, the Rebellion cards with stats will be in the Mavs server
  • Land is still being worked on - goal for 1.5 is November

DAO/Clayboyn proposal

  • The DAO has funds and can hire people
  • No legal contracts are required
  • The DAO sponsors the SPS to make the tournaments
  • The Discord is for the DAO and Splinterlands so Clay would moderate and manage
  • The community should take more ownership regarding the DAO
  • The goal is to give as much control to the community as possible
  • The DAO is responsible for building value and demand for the SPS token
  • The DAO has the option to to sell DEC to pay Clay
  • Exchange listings are handled by the DAO

Other points

  • UX channel in the Discord for community input
  • Time zones - will try to stagger times as much as possible for big sale events
  • Splinter Royale game - a game that utilizes Splinterlands assets. Wolf is a fantastic developer. Matt plans to support it.
  • Guilds project is still on the table - likely some point next year
  • Possibly will do a card burning event next year
  • Soulkeep - still on the list to do - will happen after Rebellion and Land 1.5
  • Fray changes in brawls possibly around the time of Rebellion release
  • Goal is to take the time that we need to get the best product out
  • We are exploring bringing Splinterlands assets to other chains in the future
  • Goal for 2024 - New player experience, then marketing to get new players
  • Land 2.0 Whitepaper draft will be out after 1.5 launches
  • Roadmap for 2024 will come out next year

👀 Eye Candy with Nate 👀

Rebellion Card Art






Google drive link for media assets



Check out the lore!


Dark Eternals


Next Town Square is October 30th at 7 PM Eastern in Discord

Join the team as we facilitate conversation from the community about upcoming DAO proposals and other community-related topics. This is an open forum style with participation from the audience, so bring your microphone to get your voice heard.


🔥 Support Tutorial 🔥

How Do I Vote On SPS Governance Proposals?

  • Read the Support article above to better understand how to vote on the SPS Governance proposals
  • Access proposals on the SPS Proposal Page


Past Town Hall Summaries


Next Town Hall - Monday, November 6th, 7 PM Eastern


NOTE: All rewards from this post will be sent to @sps.dao.

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