Splinterlands Town Hall Summary - July 11th, 2022 - 1PM Eastern!

Town Hall Summary

  • Speakers:
    • Aggroed (CEO)
    • Yabapmatt (Chief Product Officer)
    • Chatter (Head of Marketing)
    • Nateaguila (Creative Director)
    • Pluck (Data Analyst)
    • WeirdBeard (Tournaments/ESports)
    • InfluxPictures (Video Editor)
    • Haythem (Senior Product Manager)
    • Black Heart (Technical Support)
    • Waffles Kitty (DYGYCON)
    • r0n d0n (Splinterlands TV)
  • Main Topics:
    • Splinterlands Discussions 💥
    • Company Updates ⚡️
    • Q&A 👀
  • Recording:

  • Timestamps:

    • 03:15 - Team Introduction (General Updates)
    • 05:15 - InfluxPictures Intro (Video Editor)
    • 09:00 - Haythem Intro (Senior Product Manager)
    • 11:50 - Black Heart Intro (Technical Support)
    • 14:15 - Chatter Update (Marketing)
    • 16:40 - Weirdbeard Update (Tournaments/ESports)
    • 22:05 - Waffles Kitty Update (DYGYCON)
    • 24:30 - Nateaguila Update (Creative)
    • 28:45 - Pluck (Data Analyst)
    • 30:15 - r0n d0n (Splinterlands TV)
    • 36:30 - Yabapmatt (Ranked Rewards)
    • 1:15:15 - Q&A
    • 2:19:30 - Closing Remarks


💥 Splinterlands Discussions 💥

Economy Discussion/Update (Still Work In Progress):

  • Goal of Dark Energy Crystals (DEC) was intended to be a relatively stable token of 1000 DEC = $1 USD
    • Stable pricing for in-game purchases is an extremely important concept for any type of Web 3 project
  • DEC will continue to be the relatively stable transactional token for most in-game purchases
    • Cards, potions, packs, skins, land items, guild upgrades, etc...
  • In order to keep it stable, there will continue to be more mechanisms and items sold for DEC
  • Team wants to also allow users to burn $1 in SPS for 1000 DEC
    • Creates more value flowing into the SPS token
    • Will not be able burn DEC for SPS
    • Instead DEC is backed by in-game products
  • Current problem is that DEC is being infintely minted
    • The minting equilibrium is lower than the demand for buying Splinterlands products with DEC
    • This is causing the price of DEC to be lower than the intended stable price (1000 DEC = $1 USD)
    • Future change will be replacing DEC rewards with SPS rewards
  • SPS Governance
    • Original ideal was that the best players in the game will earn SPS (tournament winners, brawl participants, leaderboards, etc..)
    • SPS airdrop is ending the end of this month
    • The next way to earn SPS will be through playing the game and climbing to the highest league possible
    • These SPS rewards will be significantly less than what is currently being given out compared to DEC rewards
  • In the near future, DEC will only be minted through the following:
    • Card Burning
    • Burn SPS For DEC
  • SPS rewards will be possible through:
    • Ranked battleplay
    • Leaderboards
    • Brawl participation

Upcoming Reward Changes:

  • Replacing DEC rewards with SPS rewards
    • Will stabilize DEC while also allowing players to earn SPS which means giving more governance voting power
    • SPS rewards will be a fixed/limited reward pool
    • Each league will be competing for the same SPS reward pool
      • The reward pools will be bigger for the higher leagues
  • You will not be able to earn rewards only through buying and cards and playing, you will also need to have SPS staked on you
    • This will be the main utility for SPS
    • Doesn't mean you can only stake on yourself, but on other players too
      • Staking on other players will give rewards to both the player and the players staking the SPS on that player

Splinterlands vs Bots:

  • Splinterlands goal is to build the most distributed, decentralized platform possible
    • This has never happened before and is a constant work in-progress within Splinterlands
    • Team will continue to try to build towards this goal even through the mistakes that are made in the process
  • This means that Splinterlands is an open system for anyone to anonymously participate
    • There is not an easy way to perfectly identify who is a bot vs who is a normal player either
  • Mistakes were made with the new Ranked Reward system
    • Goal was give out more rewards to everybody that had cards
    • This allowed for bots and farmers to earn more rewards as well
    • ROI is significantly high for those who rent/buy cards to bypass the starter card reward reductions
    • Most players taking advantage of this ROI are bots and the rental market isn't being impacted as much as expected
    • New upcoming changes announced recently should help address this issue
  • Reminder, any changes targetting bots will also affect real players as well
  • Whole ideal is not to reduce rewards but rather increase the amount of rewards to appeal to new players
  • Having fixed SPS reward pools per league will help address the multi-account delegating
    • Rather than spreading cards around multiple accounts in lower leagues, the game will incentivize players to reach higher leagues where there is a higher SPS reward pool and less players competing for it


💥 Company Updates 💥

Creative Team:

  • YouTube ads have been live and users have been noticing them
  • Events that team is attending/recently attended:
  • Reaching out to new projects to hopefully land some additional SPS utility
  • LOTs of work with guilds
    • Have 3 guild tools in talks that will be helping pass new players through
  • Splinterfest
    • Tickets and merchandise are still in the works
    • Splinterfest trailer is currently in progress


  • First tournament townhall was held last Friday (July 8th)
    • Opportunity for the community to engage with Weirdbeard and express their concerns/feedback with tournaments
    • Moving forward, brawls and tournament townhalls will be rotated and separate from these main townhalls
  • Splinterlands is seeing around 3k tournament participants a week
  • Biggest feedback items:
    • Ghost card tournaments (everyone has the same cards)
    • Gladiator card tournaments
    • High roller tournament series

Creative Team:

  • Creative team is hard at work with the following:
    • Rift Watchers
    • New Daily Focuses
    • Splinterfest
    • Land
    • And a ton of other items!


  • DYGYCON 10 happening this weekend starting Friday, July 15 to Sunday, July 17
  • Register for event here: DYGYCON 10 Registration

Splinterlands TV:

  • Viewers receive points that can be redeemed for multiple prizes
  • Splinterlands TV Doubled average viewers in the past month
  • This Townhalls shoutouts:
    • butops18
    • bukbukkun
    • ApeOfWallSt
    • jmpards3
    • oL0rdo_yt
    • holdmycards
    • teamvangaurdz
    • spikesan1
      This Weeks Streamer Spotlights


⚡️ Q&A Summary ⚡️


  • All new changes will probably result in new exploits being found
    • Team will analyze the affects of changes and always make new ones once determined best
  • Merit rewards will help reduce the rewards for bot farms
    • Merit rewards will stay valuable for actual players as it creates a new avenue for earning merits which are super valuable for Guild Brawls

Collection Power:

  • Staked SPS may eventually replace Collection Power
  • Collection Power was intended to accurately determine what league players are allowed to play in
    • However, CP is skewed as it isn't perfectly weighted between card sets and just a couple of old cards could give you enough CP for higher leagues

Reward Economy:

  • To begin with, you will not need SPS staked to earn SPS rewards
    • This will be a later stage once all the other priorities are completed and released
  • The 48 hour rental change will not pertain to card delegations


  • Team is still working on releasing the details for Liquidity Pool rewards as the SPS airdrop is ending soon
    • The development of the LP reward smart contracts is already underway
    • The numbers are still being determined though
  • More utility is constantly being developed for both SPS and vouchers
    • Rift Watchers is right around the corner
    • New promo cards will be introduced
    • Cool ideal that came out of NFTY NYC (to be revealed)

Creative Team Miscelleaneous Opportunities:

  • Most of the narrative team are published authors
    • Splinterlands comic book may be on the horizon
    • Same with DND or table top games


  • Land workers stats and abilities of cards may not originally affect how they work on Land
    • Rather the CP of cards will have the biggest impact/boosts
    • Old cards and Gold Foils will have the biggest impact due to the larger collection powers
  • No plans on releasing SPS rewards for Land holders until Land functionality is released

Rift Watchers:

  • Will include 1 Epic summoner for each Splinter
  • Will have abilities like the DICE summoners



Concept Icons For New Daily Focuses

Grandmaster Rathe Wallpaper


Recent Announcements

Ranked Rewards Updates Follow-Up

  • New Daily Focuses
  • Daily Focus Mechanic Update
  • Focus Splinter/Element No Longer Guaranteed to be Active
  • Changing Minimum Card Rental Time to 2 Days
  • Adding Merits as a Chest Reward
  • Higher Potion Quantities in Higher Tier Reward Chests

The Grandmaster Rathe airdrop is now claimable!

  • To claim your cards, go to the Shop screen and click on the NEW AIRDROP banner or AIRDROPS button
  • The cut-off time for eligible pack purchases to count for this airdrop was 11:30 am EST / 3:30 pm UTC on July 9
  • Odds are 0.1818% per eligible pack, with 1 guaranteed card for every 550 packs

Odyssey - Tome of Chaos Story

  • The story this week highlights Bera Dallin


Past AMA Summaries


Next AMA - Monday, July 18th, 4PM Eastern (8PM UTC)

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2 columns
1 column