Join Our X Contest for a Chance to Win Rebellion Packs!

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Join Our X Contest for a Chance to Win Rebellion Packs!

5 players will receive 2 packs each!

The winners of our previous contest:

  • treefrognada
  • seeweed
  • squirrelacus
  • kahyazhe
  • coolguy123

Get ready to dive into the world of epic battles and strategic showdowns as you stand a chance to win Rebellion Packs that will catapult your gameplay to new dimensions.

How to Enter the Contest

Splinterlands X Contest

Stay Tuned for the Winner Announcement

Keep an eye on your notifications because you could be one of the lucky winners! The 5 winners of 2 Rebellion Packs each will be announced on December 29th, so make sure to check back.

Stay tuned for more updates from the Splinterlands!

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NOTE: All rewards from this post will be sent to @sps.dao.

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