Final Riftwatchers Airdrop Card [PT/ENG]

OLA jogadores splinterlands,

hoje foi lançado o ultimo Airdrop da coleção Riftwatchers

Inevitable é uma carta do elemento de Vida com bastante vida e com armadura , e mais ainda é imune a debuffs e efeitos de status negativos isto tudo no nivel 1.

para conseguir 1 garantido teria de ter comprado no minimo 300 pacotes

apenas comprei no total 220 packs Riftwatchers , mas consegui ter sorte de ganhar 1 carta comum Inevitable 😀😀

Eu tive muita sorte em conseguir pelo menos uma carta, espero que voces tambem tenham conseguido amigos.

Obrigado por reservar um tempo para ler a minha postagem sobre Splinterlands!

bom jogo a todos,


Hello splinterlands players,

today the last Airdrop of the Riftwatchers collection was released

Inevitable is a Life element card with a lot of health and armor, and what's more, it is immune to debuffs and negative status effects, all at level 1.

To get 1 guaranteed you would have to have purchased at least 300 packages

I only bought 220 Riftwatchers packs in total, but I was lucky enough to win 1 common Inevitable card 😀😀

I was very lucky to get at least one card, I hope you guys got friends too.

Thanks for taking the time to read my Splinterlands post!

Have a good game,

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