Using Opportunity to Counter Scattershot

Hello everyone, welcome to another post about Splinterlands. In today's post I'm going to talk about how the Opportunity ability is very useful when the Aimless rule is on the battlefield.

What is the Aimless Rule?

When the Aimless rule is on the battlefield all monsters will gain the Scattershot ability, that means your monsters and your opponent's monsters will have the Scattershot ability and will attack a random target.

This type of rule is simply luck because you can attack a target with low health or a target with a lot of life, this means that your attacks will not have a focus and this can make the battle very difficult because you can simply attack several different monsters and take time. a lot to defeat them, that's why I always like to have a monster with the Opportunity ability when the Aimless rule is on the battlefield since that monster will be of great help.

The opportunity ability makes the monster attack the opponent's monster that has the lowest health and even if the monster has the Scattershot ability it will still attack the opponent's monster that has the lowest health, basically the Opportunity ability will nullify the effect of the Scattershot ability on the monster that possesses it.

Why will the Opportunity ability be useful in the Aimless rule?

The answer is simple, while your other monsters will focus on a random target the Opportunity ability will focus on the monster with the lowest health, so it will work as a focus for your random attacks so even if you attack different monsters the Opportunity ability will give you a focus to defeat them.

To better demonstrate how the Opportunity ability is useful in the Aimless rule I will show them through a battle.


Watch the Battle

In this battle there is the Aimless rule I mentioned before so all monsters will have the Scattershot ability and there is also the Healed Out rule, this means that healing abilities will not work in this battle.

As I mentioned before whenever there is the Aimless rule I like to use a monster with the Opportunity ability, this time I used the Water deck and my monster with the Opportunity ability will be Deeplurker.

Deeplurker is an excellent choice for battles, in addition to having the Opportunity ability it also has a powerful attack, high speed and a good amount of health, so it will be a great monster to have.

In addition to Deeplurker I also used 5 other monsters, my main choice was monsters with magic attack since I consider them very strong because they ignore the opponent's shield and one of the ones I selected was Venari Wavesmith which has the Protect ability, so all my monsters will gain +2 shield.

The battle was not easy but having chosen several monsters with magic attack was the right choice because my opponent had shield on all his monsters so ignoring them with magic attack and attacking their life directly was the key to victory, unfortunately Deeplurker it wasn't much help because my opponent had shield on all his monsters but he's still a great choice for when the Aimless rule is in battle.

After a few rounds I finally achieved victory.

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