One strike is good but two is better, see Grund in battle

Sometimes the best defense is a good offense and the Grund is the ideal choice in that regard. In this post I will explain how the Grund card works and also show it in a battle in Splinterlands game.

Who is Grund?

Grund is an epic card from the chaos legion edition that belongs to the earth deck, this means that you will only be able to use it if you choose the earth deck as your primary deck or as a secondary deck if you choose a dragon or neutral summoner.

Grund is from the chaos legion edition so he can be played in Modern format and in Wild format, his attack type is melee so he will be able to attack only in the first position or in another position if there is some rule in the battle that allows him to attack , its mana cost is 10 and it has 3 abilities: Double Strike, Trample and Cripple.

For more visual details about the card see the image below.

The image above shows all the information you need about the Grund card, you can find this information by clicking on the card in the Marketplace or in Cards and going to Stats, but for you to better understand how the card works I will explain more about it.

Grund's attack, health and speed appear at all levels in the image above so I won't explain much about it and he can already be considered a strong card only with them because his attack is high, his speed is not very good but also not it's bad and he has a good amount of health and that's good since he's probably going to be in first position so having a lot of health will be very useful so he won't be defeated easily since he'll probably take most of the attacks.

Now let's talk about his abilities which will be the most "important" part of the card. As I mentioned before he has Double Strike, Trample and Cripple, each of these abilities are unlocked at different levels.

Enable Level 1 (Double Strike)

Double Strike will be the most important ability on Grund as it will make him attack 2x per round and that means you will see this powerful attack from him attack 2x and not many cards in Splinterlands would survive such a devastating attack.

Enable Level 4 (Trample)

Trample is more of an offensive ability and its function will be to give Grund a chance to attack 1x more if he defeats his target and you can believe that it will not be so difficult for him to activate this ability in battles and that means that Grund is able to attack up to 3x in a single round.

Enable Level 6 (Cripple)

Cripple is its ultimate ability and is also an offensive ability that will make Grund decrease the maximum health of the card it attacks by 1 with each attack. It may not seem like a big deal, but it helps a lot in battle, especially against cards that have or receive healing abilities.

Basically Grund is a 100% offensive card and keep that in mind when choosing him because when he's in first position he won't be very useful in defense since he doesn't have a shield or defensive abilities but that won't be a big problem because you can choose a good summoners and good cards to accompany him and improve his defense.

Now let's see him in battle so you know more about him in practice and not just in theory.


Watch the Battle

Offense is the best defense, maybe you've heard that before and I also mentioned something similar at the beginning of this post but I believe it's a good phrase for this battle that even though I only used Grund at level 1 he was able to destroy my opponent's cards one after another with his powerful attack.

  • In this battle there were no rules so all my cards were free without any limitations and my opponent chose the same summoner as me, Obsidian but his was 1 level higher so his cards were at higher levels.

  • It was a 5v5 battle and that means my opponent used 5 monsters and I used 5 monsters. My strategy for the battle was to have Grund as my main defense and attack but I can't leave all the credit to him because my other cards also had important participation, mainly Goblin Psychic which has the ability Tank Heal and it helped Grund a lot to that he would survive longer in battle.

  • At first, my biggest obstacle was my opponent's Mycelic Slipspawn card because it was his main defense since he had a high amount of life, even higher than Grund's, in addition my opponent also had Goblin Psychic so it would not be easy to defeat her, but Grund's powerful attack was the key to the victory because even being in similar situations, my team had more damage so it wasn't too difficult to break through my opponent's main defense.

  • After the defeat of Mycelic Slipspawn my opponent only had Regal Peryton as a defense and When it was defeated all other cards would be an easy target and that's what happened because after my opponent's defenses dropped, his cards were easily defeated by Grund's attacks.

  • I can't say it was an easy battle because despite Grund having a powerful attack, my opponent also dealt a lot of damage but it was a race against time and in the end the victory was mine.

That was my post about the Grund card, if you want you can also look and participate in my daily giveaway that can be found on my blog. Bye!

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