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A non-standard ranged card, meet Wave Brood

In splinterlands having a good defense is essential and the Wave Brood card will be a great choice for you because in addition to having a lot of health it will have the Taunt ability that will make it the main target of enemy attacks and that is bad news for it but good news for your other cards as they will be safe.

Who is Wave Brood?

Wave Brood is an epic card from the chaos legion edition that belongs to the water deck and sometimes it is not very well known or used because its attack and speed are very low, but for Wave Brood its main function will be found in its abilities that will be great to have in battles.


The image above shows an overview of the Wave Brood card and you can find this information by going to the marketplace and filtering the cards by: Edition - Chaos Legion / Rarity - Epic / Element - Water / Role - Monsters. After that you will find the Wave Brood card and you will just need to click on it and then go to the STATS part to find the information in the image above.

Its attack and speed are low so Wave Brood will not be your best option to deal damage but as I said before this is not its strong point but its abilities that are 4 in total: Taunt, Close Range, Void and Return Fire.

Enable Level 1 (Taunt)

The Taunt ability was the one I mentioned at the beginning of the post and will also be the main reason for you to choose Wave Brood for battle. This ability makes Wave Brood the main target of the opponent's attacks, this means that it will be the card that will receive all or most of the damage in the battle until it is defeated, but if it is defeated it will not be a big deal. problem because he will have completed his function which is to defend since in attack he will not be very useful.

Enable Level 1 (Close Range)

The ability Close Range is very useful for ranged cards because it allows these cards to be able to attack in first position. In case you don't know, ranged cards have a big disadvantage which is they become useless when they are in first position because they won't be able to attack, but with the ability Close Range they will be and in the case of Wave Brood it will be a great ability since it can defend in the first position.

Enable Level 4 (Void)

The ability Void is a great defense that the card can have against magical attacks because this ability will reduce the damage taken by these attacks by half. For Wave Brood, which will play a defensive role and as cards with a magic attack are common to find in battles, it will be a great ability for this card and will make it survive longer in battle.

Enable Level 6 (Return Fire)

The ability Return Fire is an additional way for Wave Brood to deal damage because this ability will deal some of the ranged damage taken back to the card that attacked Wave Brood, so even if it isn't able to deal much damage because of its attack it won't being very high, it will also be a great choice if your opponent has ranged cards in battle.

Even if you don't have a good attack, you'll probably want to have Wave Brood in your battles after reading in this post all the utilities that his abilities have to offer, especially when your opponent has cards with magic and ranged attack.

Current price

As Wave Brood belongs to a newer edition which is chaos legion its price is not so high compared to older editions, but it is an epic and useful card so it won't be very cheap to own it and there are 3 options to have it in your battle.

The first option is to buy it on the marketplace and its current price is $1.66 per BCX, sometimes you can buy it for a lower price per BCX if you buy it at a higher level, but to buy it at level 1 its price will be $1.66 currently.

The second option is to rent the card and the price will vary a lot depending on the level you rent the Wave Brood and also its availability in the marketplace. At level 1 you can rent the Wave Brood for 0.30~5 DEC.

The third option is buying chaos legion packs that cost 4000 DEC and come with 5 random edition cards. As Wave Brood is an epic card then it won't be that easy to get it but if your intention is to buy several packs then the chances are not low.

Remembering that you can also buy packs at hive-engine for a lower price but you will not be eligible for airdrops if that is your option to acquire the packs.

That was my post about the Wave Brood card, if you want you can also look and participate in my daily giveaway that can be found on my blog. Bye!


A Wave Brood is a corrupted water elemental twisted by the Chaos Legion. Summoners distort the magic used to create the elemental, making it a chaotic and fearsome creature. Wave Broods are completely devoted to their summoner and are often used in naval warfare, sinking ships and guarding the Legion's fleets and forces.

“Open fire!” the Uman captain cried, bringing her trident down in a sweep gesture.

The ship's cannons boomed, and a salvo of round shot exploded from them, flying through the air toward the Chaos Legion's armada. Their aim was true. They would slam into the closest of the enemy's ships, leaving the vessels dead in the water.

In the distance, a robed figure on the deck of one of the Legion's ships raised his arms, and the water between the Azmare's fleet and the Chaos Legion's bulged. Its color changed from a deep blue to a harsh white and coalesced into a massive, towering figure with churning limbs and a nightmarish visage of glowing eyes and gaping maw.

A wave Brood.

The cannonballs slammed into the creature's expansive chest, the water churning. Then, they hurtled back out, directly at the Uman captain's ship.

“Take cover!” she cried. The iron balls tore through the ship's hull in a thunderous splintering of wood. One cut through the mast, and it fell sideways, sail and all, to land in the ocean with a splash.

The Wave Brood churned toward the wounded ship, its chest where the cannonballs had struck it already healed. The Uman captain raised her trident in a futile gesture of defiance. Her crew scrambled for cover around her.

Then the Wave Brood crashed down upon them.