Splinterlands season 46 report - My focus now is Rare draw

(Image from Splinterlands and edited in Canva)

Hello all Splinters,
I'm here to share my late Splinterlands diary.
This is also my entry for the Splinterlands Weekly Challenge 👍

In general, I played fewer matches and won fewer matches. However, I was able to claim up to Silver League faster than the previous season and got better SPS rewards.

1.SPS earning

  • I got ~305 staked SPS from ranked battle/ brawl rewards and Nightmare packs this season ❌ As you can see in the chart, my earnings from ranked battles and brawls are better than the previous season.

2. DEC earning

  • The rental market was not in good shape so my DEC income was affected by it. Frankly speaking, the number of real active players is still a big question for the Spinterlands team to answer. After a lot of change in the game, it created more complexity and it's not good to retain the current players and attract the new ones.

3. Cards

  • My deck value dropped again, to $257. I see the new ATL every season. So I still keep my advice to you "Considering carefully when you want to buy the cards."
  • I was leveled up 5 common and 2 rare monsters this season. I decided to level them up because I can use them at max level later, it's just a matter of time. I don't need to keep too many level 1 cards in my deck.

4. My updated plan and target of 2024

  • Join the Guild brawl regularly ✅ and upgrade my Gladiator cards to Silver league cap level. I changed my fray in the Brawl to Silver league and upgrading the cards is needed to have a higher win rate.
  • Increasing my DEC contribution to the Guild to upgrade the Store to level 6 to buy the Blood Stone✅
  • Keep at least 150 Nightmare packs to get staked SPS until its game launches✅
  • With the release of Rarity Draws, I will use all my Glint to buy Rare draw. It is needed to upgrade my Summoners. Sometimes I use a small portion of Glint to try my luck with Initiate or Adept draws. I will do it until my Summoners reach the max level.

That's all for now.
Hope you enjoy this report.

If you don't have a Splinterlands account, join with me here. If you register a new account with my link, I can delegate you some cards and 100SPS for 1 month to help you in the early stage of the game.

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