Splinterlands challenge | a Brawl battle with Melee Mayhem

Hello all #Splinterlands friends,
This is my entry for the Battle Mage Secrets weekly challenge.
This week's theme is the Melee Mayhem, so I want to share a recent Brawl battle with this ruleset.

The battle ruleset

  • 16 mana cap - a low mana battle
  • Ruleset - Melee Mayhem, Up Close & Personal, Blood and Sunder
  • Splinter - Fire, Light, Death and Dragon Splinter can be used in this battle

My team lineup

With these rulesets, I decided to use Fire Splinter because I have several low-mana Fire monsters, which are very helpful in this battle.

SummonerTarsa - to give +1 melee attack and +1 health to all of my monsters. I think there is no other option better than Tarsa in this battle
1st positionScorch Fiend - a 0 mana monster, to protect my Tatiana Blayde next to it
2nd positionTatiana Blayde - as it's a Brawl battle, I'm free to use a Gladiator card and I chose her, a powerful one with 2 types of attacks
3rd positionFlame Monkey - he costs 1 mana and I hope he can deal several attacks when staying behind Tatiana Blayde
4th positionAnt Miners - he costs only 2 mana with Scavenger that helps him increase the HP whenever monsters die
5th positionBattering Ram* - last one and also costs only 2 mana and have Opportunity skill

The battle

You can click on the image to watch the battle

  • My enemy chose Eternan Brune as the summoner. He costs 6-mana and there is not much mana left to choose, so the enemy only has 2 monsters on the battlefield. However, Chimney Wallstop is also powerful and can be a threat to my team. The disadvantage is he has low speed.
  • My Tatiana Blayde has the highest speed and she made the 1st attack to kill Radiated Scorcher* and gained the strength with her Bloodlust skill.
  • Chimney Wallstop still could kill my Scorch Fiend but it was not enough to turn around the situation and my team won the battle after 2 rounds.

That's all for now.
I hope you enjoy this battle

If you don't have a Splinterlands account, join with me here. If you register a new account with my link, I can delegate you some cards and 100SPS for 1 month to help you in the early stage of the game.

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