Splinterlands - GOLD FOIL LEGENDARY SEASON + 112 Gladius Pack Open! (20231130)

Hello Gold Foil Legendary! How I have missed you!

  • 3x Gold Foil Legendary, now I have a maexed out gold foil USUT!
  • 3 more Legendary fire cards regular foil
  • Not a lot of potions, not a lot of SPS either, but overall the cards from this pull are amazing

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Gladius 112 packs open (224,000 MERITS used)

I have been saving up Gladius points for at least 6 months if not longer. With the Gladius battle rule popping up quite frequently lately, and the sad state of my Gladius deck, it is time to upgrade. Maybe it will help with my ratings

Quite a nice sight again this pull, Legendary cards and epics popping up everywhere. Even with abundance of commons and rares, many have finally pushed through the threshold and are now powerful enough to compete against the regular cards

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Let's see how this season goes, with this influx of power up!

What do you think? What did you get from your seasonal chests?

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