Lore Trivia Giveaway

The 7PM EST Sunday Splinterlands lore Trivia Giveaway is almost here!
Lore Pic.jpg

Image Courtesy of Splinterlands.io, splinterlore.com, and created by HUGOBOSS1019 on Fiverr and text added by me

When and Where

The 7PM EST Sunday Splinterlands lore Trivia Giveaway is almost here!
Every Sunday at 7PM EST we ask lore questions and the first correct answer will recieve a prize of DEC, SPS, or a Card. We host it on the Splinterlands Lore Discord Server linked below!!! The lore server also acts as a repository of all the amazing lore sources the Devs have given us over the years. The lore is so good, and encouraging players to read it is why @Drabs587 and I started it! We've been so proud of how far everyone has come, and how well many of these players know the lore now! It's quite impressive.

Last Week Recap

We all gather together to really celebrate and appreciate the amazing lore of the game! Last week we talked about the terrifying phanstams whom their victims never expect. The victims always assume they are a figment of their imagination. Till the unbelievable pain starts. Even other Dark Eternals are afraid of the phanstasms.

We also talked about fiafa, the hero of part 4 of the Chaos Tome, the amazing new series released by @splinterlands for the introduction of Chaos Legion. The new set from Splinterlands looks so good! Fiafa left her home to pursue fame and fortune for a fresh start. Life was good for fiafa till the plague started taking hold, and she had considered leaving. Unfortunately, one night, she met Doctor Blight himself face to face, and she met her end there.

We also talked about Vivian, who traveled from Anenon to praetoria, to investigate the mysterious plague afflicting Praetoria. She tracked the source to the peak of Mount Praetorious, and there she fought Doctor Blight in an epic battle of life and death. Ultimately, Doctor Blight proved to be too strong of an opponent!

Doctor Blight is one card I'm definitely looking forward too! Pretty good costed card with slow in death? Yes, please!!!! Only a few more days of presale left-- I'm still getting my last few vouchers to finish up! Up to 100 packs so far! XD Definitely getting excited!!!

I also want to give special thanks to @kramlyn12 and @hyde-20 for being moderators in the lore server and for helping hand out the giveaways from time to time. These two have been such a great help on the lore server, chanse's server, and in the community as a whole. Their availability and willingness to help out has really been appreciated. And special thanks to streamer @Luthien12 who provided a question for this week! Without you all, I really couldn't do this. It's a team effort!


I will be spreading questions over more splinters instead of focusing one or two at a time. This will make it a little more difficult for those coming here for hints, and I do apologize for that. Trying to be more fair and less predictable!

There will be at least one Geography Question, so please review the beautiful maps created by the brilliant HUGOBOSS1019. As always. Wink Wink Nudge Nudge.

I'm a huge fan of Dragons, so you can expect a mininum of one Dragon question every week. As literally always. Roar.

I'm feeling like a few extra Azmare questions this week.

Discord Servers and Resources for Lore Information:

The Developer Splinterlands Server:

Unofficial Splinterlands Lore Server:

Splinterlore Website:

Developer's Blog

If you are interested in playing splinterlands, please feel free to use my affiliate linik, and message Niro#1171 on discord to get some free delegation goodies.


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