Splinterlands Art Contest Week 278: Coastal Nymph

coastal nymph.png

This is my entry for the weekly Splinterlands Art Contest found HERE

Here is the original card:


Created in Clip Studio Paint Pro on a Surface Pro 4. Here is the time lapse video:

And here is the drawing broken down into individual process steps:

One: Rough Draft. I imported a 3D model using Clip Studio to position a hand where I wanted it.
coastal nymph p1.png

Two: Line art. Using a thin gray pen.

coastal nymph p2.png

Three: Flat layer.
coastal nymph p3.png

Four: Flat hair layer.
coastal nymph p4.png

Five: Start shading on a separate "multiply" layer, with a soft airbrush tool in dark gray.
coastal nymph p5.png

Six: Duplicate the shading layer. This darkens the shadows, which I never make dark enough. I also airbrush a little bit of red on the edge of the shadows.
coastal nymph p6.png

Seven: Two things changed here. Added a detail layer so I can render the eyes. Also, created a duplicate of the ink layer but blurred it with the gaussian blur. This is the make the line work less distinct. Flip back and forth and see if you can tell the difference.
coastal nymph p7.png

Eight. Make a magic layer. Also a glow layer to make highlights on the skin where there are magic balls or sparks.
coastal nymph p8.png

Nine: Brush in a dark background with some smoky effect.
coastal nymph p9.png

And that's all folks!

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