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BATTLE MAGE SECRETS Weekly Challenge! EVEN STEVENS in a wild game

This post is an entry to the BATTLE MAGE SECRETS Weekly Challenge!



Description: Only units with even mana costs may be used.

Info: This rule does not apply to summoners.

The Battle

Battle RulesetsDescriptionInfo
FIVEALIVEUp to Five Units can be used.You can only use 5 units.
EARTHQUAKENon-flying Monsters take 2 Melee damage at the end of each round.Using monsters with Flying or Heal is the trick for this ruleset, but if you are unable to choose such monsters, use monsters that have high HP and high damage. Don't keep heal units up front. Shield has a very important role. Keep monsters with Flying in last positions when Earthquake has done enough damage to both sides.
EVEN STEVENSOnly Monsters with even Mana costs may be used in battles.There are no special tricks for this ruleset, but having an idea of mana points of a few monsters helps in predicting what your opponent can and cannot use.


It was a low mana diamond ranked game, with only five units enabled, but it is not a problem in such a low mana.

Lux Vega - My default choice in most of the games. For low mana battles maybe a little beat expensive, but has great additions in stats.
Corpse Fiend - Filler of the board. I put him to absorb some damage.
Gargoya Lion - My main tank with flying. I don't have a lot of flying monsters for this ruleset, maybe there was better choice.
Doctor Blight - The doctor is a camouflage monster, with a magic attack. I think he was an average fit in this game, a flying monster would be better.

Battle - Replay

Did your strategy work? What will you try differently next time?

Absolutly not, but the main lesson what I learned that I need to collect or rent a Grimbardum Smith. The fatigue kill my lion, the bigger hp was the key.

Battle Results

2+ SPS for the win, unfortunately for the enemy :)

Which cards are good/bad for EVEN STEVENS ruleset? Why or why not?

  • Obviously even cards good for this rulsets :)
  • Odd cards useless in this ruleset, what a surprise :)