Luckiest Week for me in getting Legendries 😍

Hi there Lovely and creative people of Hive World,
Hope you all are fine and having a good day

As most of you know that I am not a writer, I just shared my drawing on the platform but sometimes I have something to share and today I am trying to share the luckiest week for me on #splinterlands game.
Luckiest in opening packs and rewards hehe not on winning tournaments.

I am not an old player, start playing few months ago and really thanks to my #neoxian citizens who made my interest in the game.

I love to buy UT packs and so I tried my luck and get some good cards before but two days ago I bought UT pack and get a ZAKU 😍


After getting ZAKU in a single pack, I thought to take chance on more packs and so I bought 7 more Packs and opened and then I got Cthulhu and other good cards as well approx $14.25 market price cards on those 7 packs.

7 Packs got $14.25 Market Price cards 👇 😁


Story didn't end with that, I bought pack again but get normal cards, and then yesterday I get BILA THE RADIANT on Quest Reward

Yes, Bila The Radian in just three loot reward cards


What I get Today? 😍😍😍😍

And Today I bought three more UT packs and get 2 legendries in first two packs and normal cards in the third one



It's the luckiest week for me hehe and I am planning to buy DICE packs now but not sure as the DEC price are increasing and I have to wait for little dip.


Hope You like it,
Thanks for the Visit


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