Strap in folks! Get Ready for a Wild Splinterlands Ride

Did you see the news? If you're even remotely interested in Splinterlands, then today's news should have caught your attention. It certainly caught mine.

One thing in particular that caught my eye was the following news about the Daily Quest rewards:

Updated Loot Chest Reward Percentages
Now that there will be a new set of reward cards with higher print limits available as loot chest rewards, we will also be able to adjust the percentages for the different types of rewards. Once the new Reward cards are released the loot chest reward percentages will be updated as follows:
Reward Card - 50%
DEC - 25%
Potion - 25%
Please note that a 1% of chance of receiving a Chaos Legion pack will also be added in (in place of 1% chance of receiving a potion) when the Chaos Legion set is released.

Splinterlands Chest.jpg
The increase in Reward Card and decrease of Potion is great for me as a new player who missed out on buying any of the Untamed card packs. I understand that potions are especially valuable for card park opens, but for those of us who joined long after card packs were sold out, these "rewards" feel like a bit of a letdown. IF the potions also counted towards my AirDrop Points I would feel differently about them. Right now, in the limbo between the Untamed and the upcoming Chaos Legion, potions are about as helpful as a suntan lotion in the middle of winter. I'm sure I'll feel differently once I have some sweet Chaos Legion Card Packs in my hot little hands. But until then, it's all about Dark Energy Crystals (DEC) and Reward Cards.

Kudos to the Splinterlands team for creating a game that has captured the attention of a woman in her 50's. It's an amazing gameplay experience and one I look forward to playing every day. I may or may not be guilty of playing until the wee hours of the morning. Who needs sleep? I can sleep when I'm dead, right?

Seriously, you have created a space where even I feel welcome to join in the challenge of gameplay. Pat yourselves on the back for creating a fab game that has stayed rock solid while sustaining the wild growth and increase in players. Y'all ROCK!

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