Playing With Evens Only



Hope everyone is having a great Monday. I will be sharing my battle mage secrets post today. Last week for battle mage secrets, I shared about my strategy and tips for the equal opportunity ruleset. The theme for this week is Even Stevens. For this ruleset, only units with even cost can be used. This doesn't apply to summoners though! I will be sharing my tips and strategy and one amazing battle I had.



My Strategy & Tips for Even Stevens

Even Stevens is a super restrictive ruleset. For me, I feel that there are three main elements to use which are fire, earth and water element. You can also use dragon since this can be played with one of those elements. For the fire element, you want to play a Jacek team with Arkemis the Bear, Supply Runner and Countess Sinash as the core. In between them you can play any reach or dps units. As for water the water element, you want to play with Possiblius and you can go for an Arkemis the Bear and Coastal Sentry with the Deeplurker in the back or you can even use Kelya with Baakjira. It really depends on the mana for this battle. For Earth, I like to play Mycelic Infantry infront with a Queen Mycelia and Goblin Psychic as support for the base and the other units can be thrown in like Acid Shooter. If you want to add dragon in for higher mana battles, Chaos Dragon is a great option to play mixed with the lineups I mentioned above.

As for another tip, I would recommend using solid even mana units. Some good neutral units to take into consideration for this ruleset are Grimbardun Smith, Arkemis the Bear, Dr Blight and Supply Runner. These are probably the units that can be used in most cases for this ruleset. You want to use these units along with the solid even mana units from the elements that are available.


The Battle

The battle link can be found here. This battle was on my scholar account, Bltzr-wizard-727. This battle was played today in a modern ranked battle. The ruleset for this battle was Even Stevens, Going the Distance and Up to Eleven. The mana cap was 46 and only the dragon element was banned.


Discussing My Lineup


Summoner , Kelya - I chose Kelya because water element has the best even ranged units that I owned.

First Position, Drybone Raider - Drybone Raider was my first position. It has a mix of melee and range damage but it can only use it's melee damage. It's usually a good choice for a going the distance ruleset as a frontline.

Second Position, Rune Crafter - I used Rune Crafter because I thought the opponent would play Wave Brood so Rune Crafter would have the fury to do big dps to it. I also thought the extra armor it had would be good if Drybone Raider went down.

Third Position, Kulu Swimhunter - This unit was my DPS. It has great raw stats which makes up for having no ability. It was a solid choice with the rulesets.

Fourth Position, Merhadmpir - Merhampir was another DPS unit that was solid for the rulesets. The leech would also help wtih any return fire since it can gain some health.

Fifth Position, Supply Runner - This unit was to buff my team with health and speed. It's pretty core for a close ranged ruleset and it's also perfect for even stevens.

Sixth Position, Wave Brood - This unit was the core tank for the team. It's main purpose was to tank and return fire all the ranged damage. The return fire would also do an extra damage with the amplify.


Analysis of The Battle

If you watched this battle, I actually got completely destroyed. I rarely share battles I lose by the way but I thought the opponent played a great lineup so I wanted to share it. There aren't a lot of players with max rebellion summoners so I thought it was a cool battle to showcase it. The opponent played Prophet Rosa and gave shield to his Wave Brood. I think this was a huge big brain play and the main reason I lost the battle. Their wave brood was able to tank longer than my wave brood and I was just taking a bunch of return fire damage that even the extra armor I got from Kelya was useless.

This battle also made me think that I need to upgrade my rune crafter which I will when I find a good price from the market to make up the rest of the bcx. Now there aren't any on the market that I can buy at a good price for the leftover bcx.


Thank You

If you made it here, thank you so much for reading all the way to the end. I appreciate the support and I hope you learned something new! What do you think of the opponent's team? It was an interesting strategy that I rarely see.

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