Battle Mage Secrets: Even Stevens

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I'm here to share my Battle Mage Secrets blog post for the Battle Mage Secrets Challenge. The theme featured this week is Even Stevens. In this ruleset, you can only use even mana units. I will be sharing some tips for this ruleset as well as sharing a battle featuring this ruleset.


My Strategy For Even Stevens Ruleset

In Even Stevens ruleset, I feel one of the best strategies is just to play around the strong even mana cards. Some examples of this are Arkemis the Bear, Chaos Dragon, Dr Blight, Goblin Psychic, Pelacor Conjurer and many more.

Personally, I like to play earth element and I find them the best in the mid-range mana caps. In my opinoin, they have the best even mana cards like Failed Summoner, Mycelic Infantry, Queen Mycelia, Goblin Psychic and Acid Shooter. With this you already have almost a full team and you can pair with neutrals like Supply Runner and Magi of Chaos.

If the battle is towards lower mana, I think Life or Dragon is usually a great element to play. Light has great two mana cards like Pelacor Conjurer, Celestial Harpy and Dax Paragon meanwhile in dragon you have great even cards like Djinn Chwla, Naga Assassin and Dhampir Infiltrator. Even death is quite ok in certain low mana matchups as you can just use summoner + Cursed Windeku for maybe 10 mana battles.

If the battle is towards higher mana, I think you should play the Dragon element and pair with water element. You want to use cards like Arkemis the Bear and Chaos Dragon to best utilize the higher mana cap with these super strong cards. Then you have water element cards like Djinn Oshannus, Deeplurker, Baakjira, Wave Brood to compliment your team.

Then one of the strategies here is just to add on Dr Blight to any of your teams if this is gold league or higher battle. Adding Dr Blight to your team in an Even Stevens battle will greatly increase your chance of winning because this card is broken; it's just way too strong with the scavanage.


The Battle

I played this battle on my account, shawnnft. The battle link can be found here. This battle is in brawls and it is in fray 12 which is Wild Diamond. The ruleset for this battle was Even Stevens, Briar Patch and Ferocity. It was a 53 mana cap battle with the Earth and Dragon Element active.


Discussing My Lineup


Summoner, Immortalis - I chose Immortalis to counter magic. With only the Earth and Dragon element available there was a high chance for the opponent to play mostly magic units so this was the best choice of summoner in my opinion.

First Position, Mycelic Infantry - I chose Mycelic Infantry to be my tank at the front. If you don't know about the Mycelic Infantry Immortalis combo it's time to learn this. This combo with the shield and void makes Mycelic Infantry a god tank which can reduce all kinds of damage in half!

Second Position, Quora Towershead - I chose Quora Towershead because it's an op card. This card is super good in Even Stevens with bloodlust it can get even stronger. I wish mine was a higher level though as that immune would prevent it from getting debuffed which would be huge.

Third Position, Queen Mycelia - The main purpose of this card was to give armor to my whole team. It's also a great card to pair with Immortalis because the armor can cover for the ranged and melee units while the void already counters the magic units.

Fourth Position, Supply Runner - The purpose of this card was to speed up my team. This card is a great Even Stevens card that can be teched into any element for this ruleset as long as neutral cards or ranged units aren't banned in the ruleset.

Fifth Position, Goblin Psychic - The main purpose for Goblin Psychic was to heal my frontline as well as silence opponent's magic units. We already predicted he will play magic with the type of elements available.

Last Position, Dr Blight - Dr Blight is my finisher. This card as mentioned in the tips is one of the best cards to add in for almost every team not just Even Stevens. It just has way too much value for a 4 mana and I don't see why nobody would rent this to use to play as it helps get so many wins!


Analysis of The Battle

If you watched the battle, you can see my opponent got completely destroyed. I predicted his play and read him like a book. My team totally countered him and I don't think he had much of a chance of winning. It doesn't help either that he was using a level 1 Wood Nymph and level 1 Mitica Headhunter. There was no luck involved here. I think I would've won this battle regardless even with bad RNG. I think Immortalis was truly the best choice for this battle and since my opponent didn't play it I pretty much got a free win.


Do I Like Even Stevens Ruleset?

I think this ruleset is okay. It's quite limited so it's kind of easy to predict what will be played in my opinion. Most lineups for this ruleset I feel are pretty much standard and became meta. There's not much variety to see in the lineups for this ruleset. That's why it's only okay and not a great ruleset to play.

Anyways that's all for me this week. Hope to see you again for next week's Battle Mage Secrets!


Thank You

If you made it here, thank you so much for reading all the way to the end. I appreciate the support and I hope you learned something new!

If you are interested in trying Splinterlands please use this link here. If you did use my referal link, let me know in the comment section, I will do my best to help whether that be delegating you cards, sending you cards and teaching you how to play. Once again, thank you so much.



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