My Battle In Splinterlands - Weekly Challenge with NAGA BRUTE.

Hello All,

This is another post in splinterlands sharing my battle for SHARE YOUR BATTLE Weekly Challenge.


Here's a link to the challenge post.


Edition: DICE
Rarity: COMMON
Element: DRAGON
ABILITIES: Void Armor at level 1; Thorns at level 5; Return Fire at level 8

This is a nice card with 2 ranged and 2 speed, 1 armor and 4 health in level 1 and it requires 7 mana.

Shatter Ability: Target's armor is destroyed when hit by an attack from monsters with shatter.
Repair Ability: Restores some armor to the friendly monster whose armor has taken the most damage.

I'm going to share my last battle with this monster.

I played with Dragon Splinter.
Battle mana cap was 29.

There was one rule for the battle which is-
Standard: No modification to the standard gameplay rules and mechanics.

You may watch my battle from the link below.
Here's a direct link to my battle.

Link to my battle.





I used Drake of Arnak as the fire summoner which gave 1 extra shield to all my team monsters.
I didn't have the theme card (NAGA BRUTE) in my card collection so I had to buy it.

Drake of Arnak

Drake of Arnak is an untamed rare dragon summoner.

It has the ability to give 1 extra shield to all the friendly monsters.

It can go upto level 8 with 115 cards.

My monsters: Elven Defender at first place then Naga Brute at second, War Chaang at 3rd, Furious Chicken at 4th and Dark Astronomer at the last place.

Visual of the monsterAbout the monster
Marketplace.Elven Defender: The best defender of neutral splinter. This card is so strong and powerful with big powers. It's a common neutral monster of untamed edition. It has two abilities: Shield at level 5, and Knock Out at level 10. This monster can go upto level 10 with 400 cards.
Marketplace.Naga Brute: This is the theme card of this week. It doesn't have any attack abilities. It's a suicidal monster with some shield and nice abilities. It's a common dragon monster of dice edition. It has three abilities: Vold Armor at level 1, Thorns at level 5 and Return Fire at level 8. This monster can go upto level 10 with 400 cards.
MarketplaceWar Chaang: It's a very powerful monster with double attack. It's an epic neutral monster of untamed edition. It has two abilities: Retaliate at level 1 and Trample at level 4.
MarketplaceFurious Chicken: It's a rare neutral monster of reward edition. It has one ability: Enrage at level 5. This monster can go upto level 8 with 115 cards.
Marketplace.Dark Astronomer: This monster is a ranged attack monster of dragon splinter with nice powers. It's a rare death monster of untamed edition. It has two abilities: Shatter at level 4 and Blind at level 8. This monster can go upto level 8 with 115 cards.

NAGA BRUTE is a good fit for the rule set because of it's abilities and powers.

  • Question: Did my strategy work? What will I try differently next time?
    Ans: My strategy worked and I'll likely to play with this card next time.
    It's a good card with nice power.

  • I am going to share this post in my twitter with #splinterlands tag.


Some screenshot of my battle.



Battle Details: The battle went well.
My frequently used War Chaang helped in the battle the most while the Elven Defender also played good. As my enemy team had a monster with an ability called blast, he was frequently throwing blast of my theme card Naga Brute. After Elven Defender died, the theme card Naga Brute defended my team until it died too but before it died, War Chaang and Dark Astronomer did nice in attacking other monsters. Then at a time, there was only one ranged monster in the opponent team and two of my monsters killed it and I won the battle.

That's it.


My referral link of splinterlands:

Images of this post are collected from splinterlands website.


About Me.

I'm Sharmin Akter Mim from Bangladesh doing Bachelors in arts in a govt university in our country.
I'm the one and only wife of @ashikstd.
With my little effort, I'm trying to help my husband in this bad time and I'm trying to understand this blockchain.

I want to say goodbye now.

I'm hoping that this post will get some nice view and I'll be trying to do better next time.

Stay safe & stay home for corona epidemic.


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